4-2-6 Breath to Fall Asleep

3-mins Mini-Meditation Breathwork
4-2-6 Breath to Fall Asleep

About this Class

Learn a gentle breathing technique that will get you ready for a peaceful and restful night of sleep.

If you have trouble falling asleep, you know that few things are worse than being sleep-deprived. Nobody likes feeling exhausted and out of balance when they get out of bed in the morning, especially if they have a busy day ahead. This short meditation and breathwork practice will help you let go of worries, thoughts, and sensations that may be keeping you awake, and will guide you through an easy breathing technique to help you relax even further.

About the Teacher

Almeiri Santos

Almeiri Santos

Almeiri Santos believes your meditation practice should feel comfortable to you. Her background as a meditation teacher, consulting hypnotist, and reiki master, coupled with her life experience as it relates to mindfulness, provides individuals with a curated pathway to develop and sustain their own practice.
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