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80 Results
Invite Love In
Mini Course
Invite Love In
Wellbeing practices to open your heart to love and worthiness.
Grace Edmunds
Lisa Kring
| 14 min
Fall Back Asleep
Mini Course
Fall Back Asleep
Use these tools when tossing and turning gets you down.
Lisa Kring
Vishvapani Blomfield
| 17 min
Surrender to Nature
Mini Course
Surrender to Nature
This short set of guided practices is designed to get you out of your head and into the great outdoors.
Lisa Kring
Cara Bradley
| 15 min
Learn From Loneliness
Mini Course
Learn From Loneliness
Get to know what's lurking under your feelings of loneliness and find genuine, heartfelt connection with three short practices for discovering and connecting with your true self.
Yael Shy
Lisa Kring
| 14 min
Rewire a Pattern
Mini Course
Rewire a Pattern
Three wellbeing tools to change a habit.
Lisa Kring
Sophie Fox
| 9 min
Connect to Your Inner Wisdom
Mini Meditation
Connect to Your Inner Wisdom
We all have a wise inner compass that is always there to guide and support us if we stop and connect with it.
Lisa Kring
| 3 min
Self-Compassion for Difficult Interactions
Self-Compassion for Difficult Interactions
Cultivate some self-compassion when you're in a tight spot with another person and you wish you could handle it better.
Lisa Kring
| 3 min
Connect to Your Heart
Connect to Your Heart
Connect to your heart center first, so you can then establish warm and heartfelt connections with others in your life.
Lisa Kring
| 3 min
Meditate When Missing Someone
Meditate When Missing Someone
Discover how to feel deeply connected to the ones you love, regardless of any physical distance separating you.
Lisa Kring
| 3 min
Learn to Love Your Body
Mini Meditation
Learn to Love Your Body
Invite an attitude of friendliness and gratitude towards your body, so you can accept and enjoy it just as it is.
Lisa Kring
| 3 min
Break Unhelpful Patterns
Mini Meditation
Break Unhelpful Patterns
Use mindfulness to break the habits that don't truly serve and support you, and create new possibilities in your life.
Lisa Kring
| 3 min
Fully Accept Your Kids
Fully Accept Your Kids
Let go of the expectations you have for your children, expanding your capacity to know and accept them as they truly are.
Lisa Kring
| 3 min
Mindful Parenting: Be More Present
Mindful Parenting: Be More Present
Use mindfulness to give your children the greatest gift you can give as a parent: your full presence and attention.
Lisa Kring
| 3 min
Stop Overworrying About Your Kids
Mini Meditation
Stop Overworrying About Your Kids
Find positive ways to protect your children and feel at peace, instead of letting excessive worries become a burden.
Lisa Kring
| 3 min
Active Listening for Parents
Mini Meditation
Active Listening for Parents
Become the best parent you can be by learning how to listen to your children mindfully, fully present and without an agenda.
Lisa Kring
| 3 min
Align with Your Truest Values
Align with Your Truest Values
Do you ever feel like you’ve lost your way in life? In this meditation, Lisa Kring helps you reconnect with your inner compass, and align with the deep values that will bring you back home.
Lisa Kring
| 28 min
Learn Less Reactive Parenting
Mini Meditation
Learn Less Reactive Parenting
Stop reacting mindlessly to every triggering situation with your kids, and find new, skillful ways of responding as a parent.
Lisa Kring
| 3 min
Unwind Before a Tough Conversation
Mini Meditation
Unwind Before a Tough Conversation
Calm the mind and heart before a tough interaction so you can get your point across with clarity and kindness.
Lisa Kring
| 3 min
Learn to Trust Your Gut
Mini Meditation
Learn to Trust Your Gut
This quick meditation will help you drop down into your gut to make important decisions from this deeper and wiser place.
Lisa Kring
| 3 min
Learn to Practice Self-Compassion
Mini Meditation
Learn to Practice Self-Compassion
This short and nurturing practice of self-compassion will help you experience deep relaxation from the inside out.
Lisa Kring
| 3 min
Practice Mindful Listening
Mini Meditation
Practice Mindful Listening
This short meditation will help you practice mindful listening, an essential skill for better communication and true connection.
Lisa Kring
| 2 min
Reboot Your Meditation Routine
Reboot Your Meditation Routine
Is your meditation practice feeling stale, flat, or stalled? Join Lisa Kring for this refreshing guided practice to recapture the mystery, power, and vitality of mindfulness meditation as a way of life.
Lisa Kring
| 26 min
Let Go of Resentment
Let Go of Resentment
Are you harboring any resentment or feeling cut off from someone you love? Join Lisa Kring for a powerful meditation exploring how to restore intimacy with others without compromising your feelings or needs.
Lisa Kring
| 26 min
Say Yes to What's Here (Encore Broadcast)
Say Yes to What's Here (Encore Broadcast)
There is freedom in welcoming what’s unpleasant or unwanted in your life. Join Lisa Kring and learn a powerful two-step mindfulness process to help you move through difficulties. This session was previously recorded on March 24, 2021.
Lisa Kring
| 35 min
Bring the Light
Bring the Light
Bask in the light of heartwarming qualities such as kindness, compassion, and love. Join Lisa Kring for an illuminating holiday meditation to awaken your radiant heart.
Lisa Kring
| 30 min
Let Go of Darkness
Let Go of Darkness
Celebrate the winter solstice with a candle-lighting reflection meditation. Join Lisa Kring to let go of darkness by tilting with the earth toward more and more light.
Lisa Kring
| 30 min
Let Go of Separateness
Let Go of Separateness
We all feel lonely sometimes — especially around the holidays. Join Lisa Kring for a meditation exploring how a deep connection to life in the present moment can liberate us from the misperception of our separateness.
Lisa Kring
| 35 min
Let Go of Expectations
Let Go of Expectations
Expectations often prevent us from staying open to life as it really is. Join Lisa Kring for a powerful meditation to release expectations and discover the richness of your reality — perhaps becoming pleasantly surprised in the process.
Lisa Kring
| 25 min
Gratitude and Silver Linings
Gratitude and Silver Linings
Gratitude can sometimes be found in unlikely places. Join Lisa Kring for a guided meditation on exploring and acknowledging the silver linings that may arise from life’s challenges.
Lisa Kring
| 26 min
Meditation for Self-Connection
Meditation for Self-Connection
This practice that dates back to the Buddha will help you experience a deeper connection to everything and everyone.
Lisa Kring
| 8 min
Mood-Boosting Sun Meditation
Mood-Boosting Sun Meditation
Whenever you're gloomy, mindfully soak in some sunshine to receive its mood-boosting energy.
Lisa Kring
| 6 min
Letting Go: A Wisdom Meditation
Letting Go: A Wisdom Meditation
Let go of the need to control the uncontrollable, and instead learn to recognize the things you do have power over.
Lisa Kring
| 12 min
Meditation for Your Nature Walk
Meditation for Your Nature Walk
Experience nature in a deep, present way, as a method to maintain your physical, mental, and emotional wellbeing.
Lisa Kring
| 12 min
Use Relaxation to Focus
Use Relaxation to Focus
It may sound counterintuitive, but one of the most effective ways to become focused is to simply pause and relax.
Lisa Kring
| 11 min
Headache Relief Meditation
Headache Relief Meditation
Shift your perspective whenever you have a headache, by placing your awareness in areas of the body that feel well.
Lisa Kring
| 8 min
Mindfully Release Doubt
Mindfully Release Doubt
Do inner doubts drag you down and hold you back in life? Join Lisa Kring for a powerful meditation in which your feelings of doubt can be mindfully acknowledged, explored, and released.
Lisa Kring
| 25 min
Meditate When You're Craving Sweets
Meditate When You're Craving Sweets
Try this short practice to mindfully curb your sugar cravings.
Lisa Kring
| 7 min
Stress Less in Traffic
Stress Less in Traffic
With mindful awareness, everyday traffic can actually become an opportunity for wisdom and stop being a burden.
Lisa Kring
| 7 min
Tame a Restless Mind
Tame a Restless Mind
A restless mind can both scatter and sap your energy. In this guided meditation, Lisa Kring will help you recognize the emotional symptoms of restlessness and make space for more ease and clarity.
Lisa Kring
| 26 min
Meditation for Annoying Partners
Meditation for Annoying Partners
Maintain a positive perspective and bring back some balance whenever your relationship gets tense and complicated.
Lisa Kring
| 7 min
Fall Back Asleep at Night
Fall Back Asleep at Night
This practice will help put your worries “to bed” when you wake up at night, so you can fall back asleep easily.
Lisa Kring
| 6 min
Regulate Stress, Step by Step
Regulate Stress, Step by Step
Do you feel like you’re mindlessly reacting to life rather than mindfully responding with skill? Learn how to navigate and regulate stress in a step-by-step process in the present moment led by Lisa King.
Lisa Kring
| 27 min
Healing Shame
Healing Shame
Does shame prevent you from loving and accepting yourself and others fully? In this meditation, Lisa Kring will help you mindfully transform self-judgment into self-compassion.
Lisa Kring
| 35 min
Mindfully Release Anger
Mindfully Release Anger
Do you ever feel like you are ready to blow your top? Join Lisa Kring for a meditation in which the powerful emotion of anger will be explored, honored, and healed in a practical and mindful step-by-step process.
Lisa Kring
| 26 min
Ease Fear by Getting Grounded
Ease Fear by Getting Grounded
Is fear hijacking your life in any way? Join Lisa Kring for a mindfulness meditation where you can compassionately unpack the challenging emotion of fear.
Lisa Kring
| 35 min
RAIN Meditation to Ease Anxiety
RAIN Meditation to Ease Anxiety
Do you often feel overwhelmed or consumed by worry? Join Lisa Kring for a guided meditation on healing the complex emotion of anxiety.
Lisa Kring
| 35 min
Supportive Healing Touch
Supportive Healing Touch
Learn a simple and practical way to regulate your nervous system. Join Lisa Kring for a mindful practice of supportive touch, where you'll hold yourself to activate the "mammalian caregiving system" in your body.
Lisa Kring
| 25 min
Universal Compassion
Universal Compassion
Discover the practice of self-compassion as a path to transformation and liberation. Join Lisa Kring for a meditation to help you hold your experience of suffering with love, tenderness, and self-care.
Lisa Kring
| 35 min
Resources for Trauma Healing
Resources for Trauma Healing
In this guided meditation, you'll learn how you can use grounding images for natural calm, ease, safety, and healing — at any place and time.
Lisa Kring
| 23 min
Orienting for Trauma Recovery
Orienting for Trauma Recovery
Learn how connecting to your physical sensations can create a space of healing and support. Join Lisa Kring for this meditation to help regulate your nervous system and invite a sense of calm.
Lisa Kring
| 29 min
Grounding for Trauma Recovery
Grounding for Trauma Recovery
Trauma can limit your ability to experience a full range of emotions. In this meditation, Lisa Kring teaches how to regulate your nervous system by getting grounded.
Lisa Kring
| 35 min
Loving-Kindness for All Beings
Loving-Kindness for All Beings
Discover how the practice of kindness can be a path to transformation. Join Lisa Kring for a meditation inviting loving kindness toward all beings, without exception.
Lisa Kring
| 25 min
Loving-Kindness for a Neutral Person
Loving-Kindness for a Neutral Person
In this live meditation with Lisa Kring, apply the ancient practice of loving-kindness to a “neutral” being (like a mail carrier or grocery store clerk) and watch as your heart transforms and our common humanity becomes clearer.
Lisa Kring
| 28 min
Loving-Kindness for a Loved One
Loving-Kindness for a Loved One
Deepen the heartfelt connection you feel to those most beloved in your life. In this meditation, Lisa Kring invites you to experience a time-tested Buddhist practice where you'll focus on a loved one.
Lisa Kring
| 32 min
Your Breath Is Your Superpower
Your Breath Is Your Superpower
Your breath can be your deepest teacher and greatest tool. Join Lisa Kring to tap into the powers of the breath and free yourself from the wandering mind that underlies much of our suffering.
Lisa Kring
| 35 min
Discover Inner Serenity
Discover Inner Serenity
Get out of your own way and feel the sense of ease available in your body, just underneath the waves of thoughts and distractions. Learn to cultivate mindful awareness in this meditation with Lisa Kring.
Lisa Kring
| 32 min
Experiencing Belonging
Experiencing Belonging
Feel more, think less, and remember the truth of your belonging. Join Lisa Kring live to mindfully reclaim your connection to the earth, the breath, and the natural world to experience calm, healing, and peace.
Lisa Kring
| 35 min
Celebrate Fathers
Celebrate Fathers
Cultivate masculinity that is powerful in its loving presence. Join Lisa Kring for a special meditation celebrating the fathers and father figures among us.
Lisa Kring
| 35 min
Befriend Your Mind
Befriend Your Mind
Think in a radically different way, allowing for freedom, liberation, and insight. In this meditation, Lisa Kring guides you to adopt an attitude of non-judgment, viewing your thoughts like clouds coming and going instead of problems or obstacles.
Lisa Kring
| 35 min
Come Home to Self-Compassion
Come Home to Self-Compassion
You can spend a lifetime looking outside yourself for a sense of care and support, especially when you are struggling. Join Lisa Kring to actively wish yourself well and experience a homecoming.
Lisa Kring
| 30 min
Come Home to Self-Compassion
Come Home to Self-Compassion
When you are hurting, you need tender care. Hold yourself with compassion to find calm, ease, and safety in this supportive session with Lisa Kring.
Lisa Kring
| 30 min
Be Your Own Cheerleader
Be Your Own Cheerleader
We often look outside of ourselves for the love we need, only to be disappointed. Learn to mindfully connect to yourself just as you are in this guided meditation with Lisa Kring.
Lisa Kring
| 24 min
Make Space for Self-Compassion
Make Space for Self-Compassion
When you become aware of your negative self-talk, it can be heartbreaking. Join Lisa Kring for a meditation to gain insight into these inner voices and invite loving self-compassion instead.
Lisa Kring
| 22 min
Loving-Kindness for Mothers
Loving-Kindness for Mothers
Tame critical inner voices and discover love and support from within. Join Lisa Kring to release judgment and access the power of loving awareness.
Lisa Kring
| 23 min
Mothering for Mothers
Mothering for Mothers
Reflect on the tender care you so freely give to others and learn how to apply this quality towards yourself, too. Lisa Kring leads this practice of cultivating an "inner mother" for self-nurturing.
Lisa Kring
| 25 min
Self-Care Check-In for Parents
Self-Care Check-In for Parents
Parenting is exhausting, and when you're tapped out, you parent less skillfully. In this guided session with Lisa Kring, learn how to pause and check for your unmet needs so you can parent from a more balanced state.
Lisa Kring
| 20 min
Mindfully Respond to Your Children
Mindfully Respond to Your Children
Mindful parenting allows you to skillfully respond to your child without losing your cool. In this meditation with Lisa Kring, you'll learn practical strategies to support mindful responses.
Lisa Kring
| 20 min
The Power of Mindful Parenting
The Power of Mindful Parenting
When you feel calm and clear, it's easier to be present for those you love — especially your children. Join Lisa Kring to experience the power of shifting your awareness from your children to your inner experience.
Lisa Kring
| 21 min
Spread Joy Through Kindness
Spread Joy Through Kindness
Kindness flows from an open and friendly heart. Tap into this natural, happy feeling in a loving-kindness meditation session with Lisa Kring.
Lisa Kring
| 22 min
Say Yes to What's Here
Say Yes to What's Here
There is freedom in welcoming what’s unpleasant or unwanted in your life. Join Lisa Kring to learn a powerful two-step mindfulness process to help you move through difficulties.
Lisa Kring
| 21 min
Notice the Good Around You
Notice the Good Around You
Experience natural joy in each moment by deactivating your brain's "default mode network," the part which scans for threats in the past and future. Lisa Kring will show you how in this guided meditation.
Lisa Kring
| 23 min
Connect to Yourself First
Connect to Yourself First
Learn how to access the deep, heartfelt connection that is always available to us.
Lisa Kring
| 13 min
Feel Content Here and Now
Feel Content Here and Now
Find a sense of abundance and wellbeing by focusing on everything that is OK right now.
Lisa Kring
| 13 min
STOP Method to Reduce Stress
STOP Method to Reduce Stress
We can't stop the waves of life, but we can learn how to surf them and reduce feelings of stress.
Lisa Kring
| 11 min
Stay Anchored Through Change
Stay Anchored Through Change
Life is not always the way we want it to be. Learn to accept it and stop resisting it, so you don't create unnecessary suffering.
Lisa Kring
| 10 min
Discover Joy in Challenging Times
Discover Joy in Challenging Times
Learn how to access joy no matter the circumstances.
Lisa Kring
| 11 Sessions
When Anxiety Arises, Try This
When Anxiety Arises, Try This
While it feels counterintuitive, embracing anxiety and turning toward it can be helpful.
Lisa Kring
Mindfulness as A Superpower
Mindfulness as A Superpower
We can either mindlessly react or courageously respond, becoming the heroes in our own lives.
Lisa Kring
How Meditation Became My Home
How Meditation Became My Home
I remain profoundly human but suffer so much less now; the experience of liberation is real for me.
Lisa Kring
Why Vipassana is Right for Me
Why Vipassana is Right for Me
When I found myself at home caring for my young children, I realized in a painful way that I could not just 'be.'
Lisa Kring