Lisa's Story

A licensed clinical social worker with a background in dispute resolution and family court mediation, Lisa Kring has been practicing mindfulness for more than a decade, with a particular interest in mindfulness-based stress reduction (MBSR), mindful parenting, and self-compassion. “Compassion is good medicine for right now,” she says. “It’s the heart’s quiver in response to any suffering. The pain may still be there, but when we feel held with compassion for ourselves or for others, we become healed and we grow.”

Her article, “The 5 Main Tenets of Mindful Parenting” focuses on the importance of engaging with children in complete presence and how parents can use this practice to create more mindfulness in their lives. Lisa has studied with Dan Siegel, Diana Winston, Bob Stahl, Jon Kabat-Zinn, Beth Mulligan, Ven Ayya Tathaaloka, and Ven Sayadaw U Tejaniya, and she counts Trudy Goodman and Christiane Wolf as her primary guiding teachers and mentors. She graduated from the Dedicated Practitioners Program at Spirit Rock in 2014 and provides staff training in mindfulness at organizations including Homeboy Industries, artworxLA, Hulu, ABC News, and NeueHouse.