Explore More Content by Valerie (Vimalasara) Mason-John

Loving-Kindness for Soothing Anger
Understand your emotions.

Mantra to Dissolve Self-Loathing
You are worthy, loved, and whole.

Awaken Happiness Within You
Acceptance is the gateway to contentment.

Come Home to Your Body
Build stability with your senses.

Forgive Yourself and Others
Take steps toward forgiveness.

Heal Your Heart with Gratitude
Repair hard-to-reach wounded parts of yourself.

4 Tools for Self-Soothing
Simple practices for calm and contentment.

Reframe Imposter Syndrome
Learn to believe you're whole, enough, and exactly where you're meant to be.

Eat Mindfully
Three practices to rebuild your relationship with food.

Finding Strength in Traumatic Times
Trauma specialist and ten-time author Vimalasara joins Prakriti Poddar and meditation teacher, author, and coach Yael Shy, to discuss how they transformed their lives from suffering to thriving, plus advice for letting go of our painful past stories.

Let Go of Past Stories
Learn why anger and resentment can keep us trapped, plus one simple question that can help you let go.

3 Ways We Limit Our Potential
Are you holding back in life or living up to your potential? Explore ways you might be limiting yourself, plus how you can take steps toward your most extraordinary life today.

Meet Challenges Mindfully
Learn a mindful response to fear, anxiety, and anger.

Fresh Start Breath Meditation
Fully arrive in the new year by focusing on the newness of each breath. Join Valerie (Vimalasara) Mason-John for a breathing meditation to let go of past worries and future planning so you can experience the present moment.

Alcohol, Stress & Self-Compassion
Social events can bring temptation to overindulge in alcohol. Learn tips on being more mindful about your drinking choices while enjoying celebrations with self-compassion.

Money, Stress & Self-Compassion
Many of us feel compelled to spend more during special events, which can cause stress during joyful times. Explore ways to ease financial anxiety in this mindfulness practice.

Food, Stress, & Self-Compassion
It's easy to get caught in a cycle of reaching for food when we're stressed. Join Vimalasara Mason-John to learn a new way of relating to food, with more awareness and self-compassion.

Buddhism Helped Heal My Addiction
When I brought awareness to my dark parts and understood the chaos they were causing, my true healing began.

My Journey to Self-Love
Practice self-love even in periods of despair. Mindfulness teacher Vimalasara shares her journey as a survivor of three suicide attempts and her path to thriving against all odds.

The Secret to True Self-Acceptance
To build the world each of us deserves, it's important to truly love our ethnic background from a place of compassion.

Cultivate Positive Self-Talk
Discover how talking to yourself with kindness, friendliness, and love can truly change your world.

Stop Your Digital Addiction
This meditation will guide you through a practice called STOP, that will help you reflect on your digital addiction.

Turning Self-Hate Into Love
This practice will help you begin to heal any negative feelings toward yourself by turning them into love.

Release Shame and Self-Blame
This meditation will help you stop blaming yourself for things that happened in the past, so you can let go of shame.

Breathe Through Your Cravings
Next time you want to use food to cover up your emotions, try giving these feelings some space to be instead.

Unwinding the Love Obsession
This practice will help you become aware of what the mind is latching onto when it’s constantly looking for love.

How to Disarm Emotional Triggers
Learn the RUST method to get rid of the distorted stories and beliefs that corrode your mind and emotions.

Find Inner Strength
Allow yourself to be supported by the elements, and realize that you are not separate from this amazing cosmos.

Recharge with Earth Energy
This ancestral practice will recharge the energy point of your navel, which is connected to your very life source.

Love Your Race
Stop letting racism distort your self-image, and learn to love your skin and the wholeness of who you are.

5 Ways to Curb Negative Habits
Reflect on the five Buddhist training principles to live a more ethical life.

7 Ways to Enjoy Meditation More
Meditation can be fun, especially when you learn these seven awakening factors.

4 Attitudes to Boost Self-Love
Learn to love and like yourself with these four attitudes of the heart: attention, affection, appreciation, and acceptance.

Breathe to Quiet Critical Self-Talk
When your thoughts aren't kind, you can stop the cycle of negativity through mindful breathing.

Detox Your Heart of Anger and Fear
Learn wellbeing practices to let go of negative emotions you've been hanging onto.

5 Questions For Spiritual Detox
You don't need a shaman to detox your heart of negative emotions. Start with these questions, and the work will unfold.

Cultivate Love for Your Body
Our culture supports being critical of our bodies, but if we can love them instead, we can change our lives.

How I Learned To Like Myself
I want my students to know that it's possible to experience an awakening, and it doesn't have to be this big, lofty thing.