Detox Your Heart of Anger and Fear

In this course, you'll learn:
- Strategies to overcome painful thoughts and release toxic emotions.
- Mindfulness and gratitude practices to transform your heart and boost happiness.
About this Course
Anger, hatred, and fear can fill the mind with toxic thoughts. Create space to understand, and transform these emotions so you can find peace.
About the Teacher
7 Sessions
Course Introduction
1. Gratitude of the HeartLean into your heart.13 mins
2. Support Tools for LifeTry these easy-to-use techniques throughout the day whenever you need a moment of soothing.15 mins
3. Coming Home to the BodyWhen we become disconnected from our bodies, we can use our senses to help us return.21 mins
4. Recognizing the Impact of AngerAre you a Bottler or a Volcano? Noticing the characteristics of our anger helps us let it go.13 mins
5. How to Combat Self-HatredUse the power of mantra to reduce negative feelings about yourself.14 mins
6. Transforming Hatred into ForgivenessA loving kindness meditation can be a great way to take steps toward forgiveness.17 mins
7. Befriending HappinessHappiness that is based on stillness, simplicity, and contentment is always available to us in the here and now.16 mins