Classes about Explore Emotions

26 Classes
Anger Antidote
Anger Antidote
Feel better in the face of triggers.
Lama Yeshe
| 11 min
Mantra for Releasing Fears
Mantra for Releasing Fears
Dr. David Vago
| 8 min
Ocean Breath
Ocean Breath
The ocean has a rhythm that is naturally calming.
2 min
Gratitude Boost
Gratitude Boost
Lift your mood by focusing on the good things in life.
Dr. David Vago
| 4 min
Rainbow Feelings
Rainbow Feelings
Learn about emotions through a colorful visualization.
Dr. David Vago
| 13 min
The Mindful Sound Detective
The Mindful Sound Detective
Search for clues in the sounds within and around you.
Dr. David Vago
| 7 min
Strong Like a Tree
Strong Like a Tree
Help kids find strength during tough moments.
Dr. David Vago
| 8 min
My Body Scanner
My Body Scanner
Find calm by scanning your body with an imaginary spotlight.
Dr. David Vago
| 13 min
Buzzing Bee Breath
Buzzing Bee Breath
Buzz like a bee to feel more peaceful and relaxed.
Dr. David Vago
| 5 min
Roots and Light
Roots and Light
Find balance and healing when you're feeling off.
Rebecca Acabchuk, Ph.D.
| 6 min
Breathe Like a Lion
Breathe Like a Lion
Roar like a lion to feel strong, powerful, and courageous.
Dr. David Vago
| 4 min
Calm the Monkey in the Mind
Calm the Monkey in the Mind
Try this fun visualization to quiet busy, noisy minds.
Dr. David Vago
| 11 min
Quiet Overwhelming Thoughts
Quiet Overwhelming Thoughts
Find space for peace and calm by freeing your mind from intrusive thoughts.
| 3 min
Breathwork to Brave Uncertainty
Breathwork to Brave Uncertainty
Practice letting go of control to cultivate calm and acceptance of the unknown.
Leena Gupta
| 13 min
Affirmations for Positive Thinking
Affirmations for Positive Thinking
Because a sunny outlook comes with a treasure trove of health and wellness benefits.
Sophie Fox
| 2 min
Breathe Through Overwhelm
Breathe Through Overwhelm
Strong emotions can descend on us like a storm, making it difficult to think clearly. In this session, you’ll learn ways to self-regulate your feelings, including a soothing and balancing breathwork practice.
Mansi Mahajan
| 16 min
Box Breathing for Maximum Calm
Box Breathing for Maximum Calm
Try three or four cycles of this box breathing exercise daily to achieve maximum calm, focus, and concentration.
Dr. David Vago
| 5 min
Just Breathe Through It
Just Breathe Through It
This simple breathing practice can help bring you back to balance, no matter what life throws your way.
Almeiri Santos
| 10 min
Soothe an Anxious Mind
Soothe an Anxious Mind
Find relief when your mind is spinning. In this guided meditation, you'll learn a calming breathing technique to soothe anxiety and overthinking.
Greta Hill
| 14 min
Quick Lift When You're Feeling Down
Quick Lift When You're Feeling Down
Relinquish your need to control what you're feeling and bring unconditional acceptance to this moment instead.
Almeiri Santos
| 3 min
How to Calm Anxiety and Anger
How to Calm Anxiety and Anger
Understand what makes you angry so that you're better equipped to deal with anger when it arises.
Lama Yeshe
| 15 min
Accept This Moment Fully
Accept This Moment Fully
Give yourself a moment to pause, tune in, and just accept whatever you're experiencing without trying to change it.
Kate Savage
| 10 min
Being OK With Imperfection
Being OK With Imperfection
Learn to ease into the present moment, accepting it just as it is and letting go of your need to fix or change it.
Kate Savage
| 9 min
The Power of Letting Go
The Power of Letting Go
Accept the comings and goings of life by observing the impermanence of something as simple as your own breath.
Kate Savage
| 9 min
Pause Before Overreacting
Pause Before Overreacting
This short guided noting and labeling meditation will help you remain in a state of emotional balance through challenging situations.
Dr. David Vago
| 10 min
Stay Anchored Through Change
Stay Anchored Through Change
Life is not always the way we want it to be. Learn to accept it and stop resisting it, so you don't create unnecessary suffering.
Lisa Kring
| 10 min