Classes about Connect with Nature

74 Classes
Surrender to Nature
Surrender to Nature
This short set of guided practices is designed to get you out of your head and into the great outdoors.
Lisa Kring
Cara Bradley
| 15 min
Calming with Flower Power
Calming with Flower Power
Flowers don’t try to control anything or compare themselves to other flowers. They just blossom and spread happiness. In this meditation, we will imagine ourselves as seeds in the ground, waiting for the opportunity to bloom.
Lama Yeshe
| 20 min
Grounding in the Grass
Grounding in the Grass
Feel your oneness with nature by walking barefoot on beautiful, lush green grass. In this meditation, we will imagine we are standing in a field of grass on the top of a mountain. It's early morning, and the dew still clings to the tips of the blades.
Lama Yeshe
| 26 min
Relaxing in the Clouds
Relaxing in the Clouds
Imagine if you were a fluffy white cloud floating effortlessly in the sky. There's nowhere to go to, nothing to achieve, just the wind gently pushing you across a clear blue sky. In this deeply relaxing meditation, you can rest in this feeling.
Lama Yeshe
| 18 min
Find Stillness in the Forest
Find Stillness in the Forest
When we immerse ourselves in nature, it helps calm our minds. In this guided meditation, we will walk through a beautiful evergreen forest, where we can lay down and observe the mind slipping into stillness.
Lama Yeshe
| 16 min
Yoga Poses Inspired by Nature
Yoga Poses Inspired by Nature
From Tree to Eagle to Mountain — many of yoga's classic poses are inspired by the wonders of nature. In this refreshing vinyasa sequence, you'll embody the shapes of the great outdoors to awaken a sense of deep interconnection.
Leah Cullis
| 22 min
Shamanic Journey to Reset in Nature
Shamanic Journey to Reset in Nature
Our circadian rhythm keeps us in tune with the cycles of nature. But the stress and anxiety of everyday life can throw us out of sync. In this journey, you will connect with the four elements to reset your inner rhythm and restore balance.
Johnson Chong
| 30 min
Full Moon Meditation
Full Moon Meditation
Meditate on the reflective power of the full moon — a time to celebrate wholeness and all that is complete. This meditation features resonance breathing and a guided body scan to help you feel calm and clear like moonlight.
Greta Hill
| 14 min
Connect with Mother Earth
Connect with Mother Earth
Offer your full appreciation to Mother Earth — who gives us so much. As you reinforce your connection with the natural world, you'll invite balance back into your life.
Lama Yeshe
| 18 min
Moon Meditation for Intuition (Replay)
Moon Meditation for Intuition (Replay)
Become quiet, still, and clear — like a moonlit night. In this meditation on the lunar cycle, you'll ride the wave of your breathing and connect with your inner wisdom.
Greta Hill
| 25 min
Experience the Ether Element (Replay)
Experience the Ether Element (Replay)
Ether (space) is emptiness. But it is also potential. In this meditation, you'll learn a mantra, mudra (hand gesture), and breathing technique to connect with the ether element and cultivate its qualities of clarity and stillness.
Mansi Mahajan
| 20 min
Experience the Ether Element
Experience the Ether Element
Ether (space) is emptiness. But it is also potential. In this meditation, you'll learn a mantra, mudra (hand gesture), and breathing technique to connect with the ether element and cultivate its qualities of clarity and stillness.
Mansi Mahajan
| 19 min
Moon Meditation: Say Yes to Life
Moon Meditation: Say Yes to Life
What are you ready to fearlessly and enthusiastically welcome into your life? In this meditation on the moon cycle, we'll practice deep breathing and then chant the mantra OM — the sound of nature saying, "yes!"
Greta Hill
| 22 min
Love Our Planet, Love Yourself
Love Our Planet, Love Yourself
The earth isn't just what's around us; it's within us, too. In honor of World Health Day, join us to chant the OM mantra and share the vision of a healthy, radiant planet for all of us.
Mansi Mahajan
| 20 min
Moon Meditation for Creative Power
Moon Meditation for Creative Power
Are you full of ideas and dreams that you keep putting off for another day? Join us for a meditation to harness the power of the moon and set your creativity in motion.
Greta Hill
| 23 min
Awaken the Air Element
Awaken the Air Element
Air represents freedom and flexibility — allowing new ideas to broaden your horizons. Join Mansi Mahajan for a meditation to balance the air element within you, helping you feel more open and uplifted.
Mansi Mahajan
| 20 min
Moon Meditation to Receive Wisdom
Moon Meditation to Receive Wisdom
Use this potent phase of the lunar cycle to tap into your inner wisdom. Greta Hill guides this moon meditation on receiving answers from your highest self.
Greta Hill
| 23 min
Tend the Fire Element
Tend the Fire Element
Fire is the element of passion, expression, and connection. Join Mansi Mahajan for a guided meditation to help spark your inner flame, igniting your natural creativity and magnetism.
Mansi Mahajan
| 20 min
Spring Equinox Meditation
Spring Equinox Meditation
Join Greta Hill for a meditation to honor the spring equinox — a time of awakening and renewal, a chance to harness the powerful energy of growth.
Greta Hill
| 23 min
Vinyasa Yoga: Spring Cleanse
Vinyasa Yoga: Spring Cleanse
Harness the power of the seasonal transition — a time of celebration and new beginnings. Join Leah Cullis for a spring equinox class to cleanse winter stagnation so your intentions can bloom.
Leah Cullis
| 32 min
Peaceful Meadow Meditation
Peaceful Meadow Meditation
Create a picture-perfect hideaway with your mind. This guided imagery meditation will help you relax into a space of deep calm and safety.
Lama Yeshe
| 20 min
Balance the Earth Element (Replay)
Balance the Earth Element (Replay)
The wisdom of the earth relates to grounding and solidity. Join Mansi Mahajan for a meditation using a breathing technique, mantra, and mudra (hand gesture) to balance the earth element within you, inviting a sense of safety and stability.
Mansi Mahajan
| 20 min
Ride Your Breath Waves
Ride Your Breath Waves
Let your breath roll in and out like an ocean wave. Try this mindful breathing meditation to dissolve stress and invite deep calm.
Vishvapani Blomfield
| 21 min
Moon Meditation for Self-Care
Moon Meditation for Self-Care
Nurture your inner connection beneath the waxing crescent moon. In this meditation on the lunar cycle, Greta Hill guides you through an experience of radical self-care.
Greta Hill
| 22 min
Balance the Earth Element
Balance the Earth Element
The wisdom of the earth relates to grounding and solidity. Join Mansi Mahajan for a meditation using a breathing technique, mantra, and mudra (hand gesture) to balance the earth element within you, inviting a sense of safety and stability.
Mansi Mahajan
| 18 min
Moon Meditation to Let Go
Moon Meditation to Let Go
Soften and release any threads of mental and physical tension. Join Greta Hill for a guided meditation to practice letting go in the darkest time of the moon cycle.
Greta Hill
| 23 min
Moon Meditation for Inner Guidance
Moon Meditation for Inner Guidance
As the moon wanes in the night sky, join Greta Hill for a lunar meditation to embrace quietude and let the mystery be your teacher.
Greta Hill
| 23 min
Moon Meditation for an Open Heart
Moon Meditation for an Open Heart
Remember that you are the source of the love you seek. Join Greta Hill for a full moon meditation to help you dissolve any blocks to love and live with an open heart.
Greta Hill
| 23 min
Connect to the Earth
Connect to the Earth
Feel more grounded and alive — right here and now. Vishvapani Blomfield guides this mindfulness meditation to help you connect deeply to the earth wherever you are.
Vishvapani Blomfield
| 20 min
Moon Meditation: Honor Your Rhythm
Moon Meditation: Honor Your Rhythm
Like the moon, we follow our own natural rhythms and cycles. Join Greta Hill for a meditation on deeply accepting the ebbs and flows of our bodies and minds.
Greta Hill
| 21 min
Moon Meditation for Deep Release
Moon Meditation for Deep Release
A dark moon occurs just before the new moon, when the lunar cycle resets. Join Greta Hill for a meditation honoring this time of deep release, and surrender what’s no longer serving you.
Greta Hill
| 20 min
Sacral Chakra Balance for Pets
Sacral Chakra Balance for Pets
Working with the body’s energy centers, known as chakras, can also benefit pet wellbeing. Join Amanda Ree for a mantra meditation to tune the sacral chakra and encourage your pet’s healthy emotions and behavior.
Amanda Ree
| 24 min
Moon Meditation for Intuition
Moon Meditation for Intuition
The moon governs the subconscious realm, helping us quiet our minds and listen within. In this meditation, Greta Hill guides you to ride the wave of your breath as you connect to your intuition — your deep feeling body.
Greta Hill
| 22 min
Escape to the Beach
Escape to the Beach
Longing for a beach vacation? Join Lama Yeshe for a deeply relaxing visualization meditation where you’ll bring the warm sunshine and soothing ocean sounds to you.
Lama Yeshe
| 23 min
Sitting Like a Mountain
Sitting Like a Mountain
Embody the stable, grounded energy of a mountain. Vishvapani Blomfield leads this visualization meditation to help you feel strong and steadfast in the face of worries or fears.
Vishvapani Blomfield
| 27 min
Full Moon Meditation for Self-Love
Full Moon Meditation for Self-Love
Come back to wholeness in the light of the full moon. Join Greta Hill for a meditation honoring the current lunar phase to awaken self-love and remember that you are a blessing.
Greta Hill
| 22 min
Yoga Nidra: Winter Paradise Visualization
Yoga Nidra: Winter Paradise Visualization
Explore visions of your own winter paradise. In this tranquil yoga nidra meditation (yogic sleep), Christina Dufour guides you through a peaceful snowfall to a cozy cottage under the northern lights.
Christina Dufour
| 23 min
Moon Meditation for Inner Harmony
Moon Meditation for Inner Harmony
Join Greta Hill for a meditation on the magic and mystery of living in sync with the moon cycles. Allow your deep intuition to lead the way as you learn to balance effort with ease.
Greta Hill
| 22 min
Yoga Nidra: Mountain Journey
Yoga Nidra: Mountain Journey
Explore visions of paradise in this peaceful yoga nidra meditation (yogic sleep). Christina Dufour guides you through majestic views and awe-inspiring waterfalls in your own mountain dreamscape.
Christina Dufour
| 24 min
Yoga Nidra: Water Element Visualization
Yoga Nidra: Water Element Visualization
Visualize the water element to cleanse your energy and invite deep relaxation. Join Christina Dufour for a guided yoga nidra meditation (yogic sleep) exploring the soothing qualities of water.
Christina Dufour
| 26 min
New Moon, New Beginning
New Moon, New Beginning
Harness the magic of the first new moon in the new year. Join Greta Hill for a meditation to embrace stillness and set a meaningful intention for auspicious beginnings.
Greta Hill
| 24 min
Welcome the Winter Season
Welcome the Winter Season
Join Christina Dufour for a special yoga nidra (yogic sleep) meditation embracing the energy of the new season — a time to slow down, reflect in gratitude, and visualize your intentions for the winter months ahead.
Christina Dufour
| 25 min
Let Go of Darkness
Let Go of Darkness
Celebrate the winter solstice with a candle-lighting reflection meditation. Join Lisa Kring to let go of darkness by tilting with the earth toward more and more light.
Lisa Kring
| 30 min
Winter Solstice Visualization
Winter Solstice Visualization
Welcome the winter solstice by meditating on the rising sun. Vishvapani Blomfield leads a guided meditation practice as we mark the shortest day and the seasons change.
Vishvapani Blomfield
| 35 min
Winter Solstice: The Darkest Night
Winter Solstice: The Darkest Night
Join Greta Hill for a meditation on this sacred night of winter solstice — a time of both release and rebirth, an opportunity to cultivate stillness and awaken the light within.
Greta Hill
| 24 min
Allow Your Thoughts to Flow
Allow Your Thoughts to Flow
What if, instead of chasing every thought, you simply let them come and go? Join Lama Yeshe for a guided meditation where you'll visualize a flowing river to relax your mind.
Lama Yeshe
| 35 min
Last-Quarter Moon: Deepen Intuition
Last-Quarter Moon: Deepen Intuition
The last-quarter moon is a transitional time that invites us to reflect and release what no longer serves our highest good. Join Greta Hill for a meditation on this transformative lunar phase to access your intuition and align with your truth.
Greta Hill
| 35 min
Yoga Nidra for Clarity
Yoga Nidra for Clarity
Relax with a beginner-friendly yoga nidra (yogic sleep) practice. Join Christina Dufour for a unique visualization and experience the clarity that comes after a hike in nature.
Christina Dufour
| 29 min
Disseminating Moon: Journey Inward
Disseminating Moon: Journey Inward
The disseminating moon marks the beginning of the moon’s waning period — a time to rest, reflect, and gather new insights. Join Greta Hill for a meditation to embody the introspective nature of this lunar phase and access your innermost wisdom.
Greta Hill
| 26 min
Full Moon: Amplify Your Energy
Full Moon: Amplify Your Energy
The full moon is a time of heightened energy and potential. Join Greta Hill for a full moon meditation to strengthen yourself as a vessel of love and emerge feeling inspired and recharged.
Greta Hill
| 24 min
Gibbous Moon: Call in Abundance
Gibbous Moon: Call in Abundance
The waxing gibbous moon brings the energies of growth and expansion. Join Greta Hill for an empowering meditation in which you’ll embody the qualities of this lunar phase to draw abundance into your life.
Greta Hill
| 24 min
Mood-Boosting Sun Meditation
Mood-Boosting Sun Meditation
Whenever you're gloomy, mindfully soak in some sunshine to receive its mood-boosting energy.
Lisa Kring
| 6 min
Meditation for Your Nature Walk
Meditation for Your Nature Walk
Experience nature in a deep, present way, as a method to maintain your physical, mental, and emotional wellbeing.
Lisa Kring
| 12 min
First Quarter Moon: Restore Balance
First Quarter Moon: Restore Balance
Each moon phase invites us to cultivate different energies within ourselves. Join Greta Hill for a meditation on the third phase of the lunar cycle to create balance and harmonize the whole of your being.
Greta Hill
| 25 min
Breathe to Connect With Nature
Breathe to Connect With Nature
Feel your connection with the natural world. Vishvapani Blomfield leads this meditation practice to help you feel grounded and energized.
Vishvapani Blomfield
| 35 min
Crescent Moon: Awaken Creativity
Crescent Moon: Awaken Creativity
The waxing crescent moon is a time to grow your dreams and awaken creativity. Join Greta Hill for an illuminating meditation on the second phase of the lunar cycle — a time to cultivate the seeds of intention you have set and bring them to fruition.
Greta Hill
| 25 min
New Moon: Set Your Intention
New Moon: Set Your Intention
The new moon is a potent opportunity for new beginnings. Join Greta Hill for an illuminating meditation on this first phase of the lunar cycle — a time to uncover our truest longings and set meaningful intentions for the weeks ahead.
Greta Hill
| 24 min
Grounding Tree Visualization
Grounding Tree Visualization
Use the image of a tree to connect the breath with the earth. Vishvapani Blomfield leads this breathing meditation and visualization practice that will help you feel rooted and alive.
Vishvapani Blomfield
| 35 min
Ocean Waves Breath Meditation
Ocean Waves Breath Meditation
Use the image of a wave to connect with the rise and fall of your breathing. Join Vishvapani Blomfield for a breathing meditation to quiet and calm your mind.
Vishvapani Blomfield
| 30 min
Gentle Kundalini to Soothe Stress
Gentle Kundalini to Soothe Stress
Create harmony and reduce stress by balancing the Tattvas — the elements that make up our bodies.
Kasandra Jewall
| 20 min
Root to Earth for Resilience
Root to Earth for Resilience
The earth is a resource that you can tap into at any time to find a sense of rooting and grounding.
Tatum Barnes
| 14 min
Follow Your Imagination
Follow Your Imagination
Connect with the space of imagination and allow significant images to emerge. Vishvapani Blomfield leads this visualization meditation using nature-based imagery to awaken your intuition.
Vishvapani Blomfield
| 25 min
Blazing Fire Visualization
Blazing Fire Visualization
Enliven your heart, mind, and body using the image of a fire. Vishvapani  Blomfield leads this visualization meditation using nature-based imagery to awaken your energy.
Vishvapani Blomfield
| 29 min
Find Inner Strength
Find Inner Strength
Allow yourself to be supported by the elements, and realize that you are not separate from this amazing cosmos.
Valerie (Vimalasara) Mason-John
| 7 min
Clear Blue Sky Visualization
Clear Blue Sky Visualization
Connect with the blue sky as an image for the infinite scope of the mind. Vishvapani Blomfield guides this visualization meditation using nature-based imagery to engage the imagination.
Vishvapani Blomfield
| 29 min
Father Sky
Father Sky
Connect to nature's paternal power with Tatum Barnes. This special meditation in honor of Father's Day will help you connect and pay homage to the father figure found in the vast expanse of open sky above.
Tatum Barnes
| 29 min
Recharge with Earth Energy
Recharge with Earth Energy
This ancestral practice will recharge the energy point of your navel, which is connected to your very life source.
Valerie (Vimalasara) Mason-John
| 6 min
Yin Meditation for Letting Go
Yin Meditation for Letting Go
Bring your burdens, grief, and worries to this meditation so you might set them down. Join Tatum Barnes to cultivate your inner feminine, release tension in your joints, and connect to the earth.
Tatum Barnes
| 22 min
Feel Rooted to Mother Earth
Feel Rooted to Mother Earth
You are not only nurtured by the people in your life but also by the earth itself. Join Tatum Barnes for a meditation to help you slow down, open up, and give yourself permission to be mothered by the earth.
Tatum Barnes
| 20 min
Connect to Earth and Sky
Connect to Earth and Sky
Take a break from your fast-paced, high-tech life to reconnect with nature. Tatum Barnes guides this visualization meditation to help you feel grounded and inspired.
Tatum Barnes
| 19 min
Deep Lake Visualization
Deep Lake Visualization
Imagine your awareness like a deep pond or lake, cultivating stillness and relaxation in your mind and body.
Kate Savage
| 7 min
Plant Intentions for Spring
Plant Intentions for Spring
Align yourself with the rhythm of the seasons. Join Tatum Barnes to celebrate spring with intention-setting and relaxation.
Tatum Barnes
| 17 min
Enchanted Forest Sleep Journey
Enchanted Forest Sleep Journey
Calm your body and mind through this soothing guided sleep visualization.
Palma Michel
| 12 min
Stay Anchored Through Change
Stay Anchored Through Change
Life is not always the way we want it to be. Learn to accept it and stop resisting it, so you don't create unnecessary suffering.
Lisa Kring
| 10 min