Explore More Content by Grace Edmunds
Find Inspiration
Awaken wonder and imagination from within.
Grow Self-Confidence
Overcome negative self-talk and limiting beliefs.
Freedom From Fear
Three practices to push past what scares you.
Invite Love In
Wellbeing practices to open your heart to love and worthiness.
Practice Gratitude
Reap the many benefits of being thankful with three short wellbeing practices.
Let Go of Jealousy
Three wellbeing practices to help turn envy around.
Tech Timeout
Practices to help balance digital detox with the demands of modern life.
Why Stillness Is Your Secret Weapon
Ease the pressure to stay busy all the time.
Lean Into Your Fears
What if, instead of pushing fear away, we welcomed it with open arms?
Turn Your Envy Around
Envy hardens your heart, but this meditation will help you develop sympathetic joy and feel happy for others' success.
Use Social Media Mindfully
Improve your relationship with social media by observing how it makes you feel and why you’re drawn to it.
Work Through Your Fears
Instead of trying to conquer your feelings of fear, this meditation will encourage you to understand them better.
Practice the Art of Stillness
By maintaining stillness, you can cultivate a balanced, nonreactive mind, helping you stay calm and centered.
Victory Pose to Boost Confidence
Strike a pose and meet the day with confidence.
Relax Resistance to Pain
If you’ve tried everything to feel better and the pain persists, try relaxing into the sensations instead.
Radical Self-Acceptance
Practice this meditation to see how different life feels when you accept yourself fully, exactly as you are right now.
Find Awe in the Ordinary
Awe or childlike wonder are qualities that we can invoke as we observe even the smallest of daily miracles.
Learning Self-Forgiveness
Forgive yourself for any missteps so you can focus more on the possibilities that lie ahead.
Unplug to Recharge
Find room in your day to unplug from your devices, and access a sustainable internal source of connectedness instead.
Mindful Insights In Meditation
The body constantly delivers signs and signals filled with insight and wisdom related to emotions.
Use Social Media Mindfully
Improve your relationship with social media by observing how it makes you feel and why you’re drawn to it.
Victory Pose to Boost Confidence
Strike a pose and meet the day with confidence.
Radical Self-Acceptance
Practice this meditation to see how different life feels when you accept yourself fully, exactly as you are right now.
Learning Self-Forgiveness
Forgive yourself for any missteps so you can focus more on the possibilities that lie ahead.