Improve Work / Life Balance
Grow your career while taking care of yourself.
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Find Your Optimal Workflow
This guided meditation will help you stay motivated and engaged at work, so you can thrive in a sustainable way.

Stop People-Pleasing
This guided visualization will show you how good it feels to stop people pleasing, saying yes to yourself instead.

Lead with Love
Three practices to grow as a leader and inspire your team's best.

Stop Stressing Now
Three practices to quickly relieve stress on the spot.

Take a Break
Reset your day with a quick wellbeing session for less stress and refreshed energy.

Find Focus
Three practices to sharpen concentration.

Be More Mindful
Daily practices to strengthen mindful awareness.

Mindful Productivity
Learn a more sustainable way to work, think, and be.
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Q&A with Dan Buettner
Buettner on the Blue Zones' wisdom:
eat whole foods and taste rules.

Q&A with Rodney Dunn
Tasmanian chef on connecting to earth,
sharing food, and the herb lovage.

Citrus Can Transform You
Planting yuzu seeds led a couple
down a fruitful path.

Mega Ran: Prioritize Fun
35 mins

6 Mindfulness Exercises To Do at Work
These 5-minute mindfulness activities can be practiced anywhere — a sofa, chair, the floor or even while standing.

Return to Office: What Happens to Family Time?
We’re stepping into a new ‘new normal’ — the return to office, schools, and colleges. While it may cut down family time, there’s no need to fret over the quality of connection with our loved ones.

How to Cope with Return-to-Office Anxiety
Going back to office may not be the ideal situation for many, but seeking harmony and practicing mindfulness can help you improve your workplace wellbeing.

Why Mindfulness Isn’t Working Anymore
What began as an effective tool to give employees some peace of mind has now turned into a fad. What’s the reason?