Mini Meditations about Develop Healthy Habits

18 Mini Meditations
Quiet Self-Criticism
Quiet Self-Criticism
Use this meditation to change your inner dialogue any time it gets too saucy.
Sophie Fox
Communicate Better in Relationships
Communicate Better in Relationships
Just three minutes will help you foster healthier, more meaningful relationships.
Sophie Fox
Keep an Effective Sleep Routine
Keep an Effective Sleep Routine
Try hypnotherapy techniques for settling into a successful bedtime routine.
Sophie Fox
Create Your Perfect Sleep Ritual
Create Your Perfect Sleep Ritual
Start a new bedtime routine using hypnotherapy techniques designed to send you off to sleep easily and comfortably.
Sophie Fox
Meditation to Fall Asleep Fast
Meditation to Fall Asleep Fast
Prepare your mind and body to be still and tranquil so you can get right to sleep.
Sophie Fox
Feel Happier Now
Feel Happier Now
Open yourself up to more joy with this mini meditation that can be practiced daily.
Sophie Fox
Downward Dog for Tension Relief
Downward Dog for Tension Relief
Loosen up and get your Down Dog right — we'll show you how.
Shani Dayal
Study Break Power Breathing
Study Break Power Breathing
Get a powerful boost of energy and motivation by practicing this simple 2-8-4 breath for just a couple of minutes.
Curtis Smith
Box Breathing to Zone Out
Box Breathing to Zone Out
Get into a fully relaxed state with a simple breathing technique proven to instantly ease stress.
Curtis Smith
Break Unhelpful Patterns
Break Unhelpful Patterns
Use mindfulness to break the habits that don't truly serve and support you, and create new possibilities in your life.
Lisa Kring
Practice Mindful Listening
Practice Mindful Listening
This short meditation will help you practice mindful listening, an essential skill for better communication and true connection.
Lisa Kring
Screen Break for Your Eyes
Screen Break for Your Eyes
If you spend most of your day in front of a computer, your eyes will thank you for this practice.
Jay Vidyarthi
Let Negative Emotions Flow Through
Let Negative Emotions Flow Through
Stop seeing negative feelings as problems that need to be solved, and instead, just notice and ride them out.
Jay Vidyarthi
2-Minute Power Nap
2-Minute Power Nap
Give your mind and body a moment of deep rest in the middle of your busy day by letting go of unnecessary tensions.
Jay Vidyarthi
Sharpen Your Attention in 2 Minutes
Sharpen Your Attention in 2 Minutes
Pay close attention to the subtle dynamics of your breath to strengthen your focus.
Jay Vidyarthi
3-Minute Mindful Snack Break
3-Minute Mindful Snack Break
Use your next snack or meal as an opportunity to be more present, calm your mind, and enjoy each bite fully.
Jay Vidyarthi
Reset Before Your Next Task
Reset Before Your Next Task
Clear your mind to feel refreshed and focused before you start working on a new task or project.
Almeiri Santos
Accept Feedback Gracefully
Accept Feedback Gracefully
Learn to accept feedback with less judgment and more openness, using it as a force for change and self-improvement.
Almeiri Santos