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55 Results
Chakra Flow: Deepen Your Roots
Chakra Flow: Deepen Your Roots
Yoga to cultivate steadiness.
Mansi Mahajan
| 18 min
Grounding Chakra Visualization
Grounding Chakra Visualization
Access inner balance.
Mansi Mahajan
| 14 min
Backbends for Heart Expansion
Backbends for Heart Expansion
Stretch your heart open.
Mansi Mahajan
| 17 min
Breathwork for Divine Connection
Breathwork for Divine Connection
Embrace unity and oneness.
Mansi Mahajan
| 17 min
Moving Meditation: Express Yourself
Moving Meditation: Express Yourself
The truth will set you free.
Mansi Mahajan
| 16 min
Mudra Meditation: Awaken Intuition
Mudra Meditation: Awaken Intuition
Yogic gestures for deep insight.
Mansi Mahajan
| 17 min
Chakra Yoga: Speak Your Truth
Chakra Yoga: Speak Your Truth
Step into your authentic truth.
Mansi Mahajan
| 16 min
Solar Plexus: Find Inner Strength
Solar Plexus: Find Inner Strength
You are a force. Can you feel it?
Mansi Mahajan
| 15 min
Heart-Opening Chakra Meditation
Heart-Opening Chakra Meditation
Invite harmony into the heart.
Mansi Mahajan
| 15 min
Solar Plexus: Soak Up the Sun
Solar Plexus: Soak Up the Sun
Energizing Surya Namaskar.
Mansi Mahajan
| 15 min
Chakra Flow: Unleash Creativity
Chakra Flow: Unleash Creativity
Awaken innate inspiration.
Mansi Mahajan
| 17 min
Chakra Balance to Heal Emotions
Chakra Balance to Heal Emotions
Three practices that promote peace.
Mansi Mahajan
| 17 min
Find Your Purpose
Find Your Purpose
Discover more meaning and unlock your best life.
Mansi Mahajan
Sophie Fox
| 10 min
Daily Go-To Breathwork Practice
Daily Go-To Breathwork Practice
Breathe your way to greater wellbeing with a simple practice to clear your mind, refresh your energy, and soothe stress. Add this breathwork technique to your daily routine to supercharge the mind-body benefits.
Mansi Mahajan
| 15 min
Breathe Before Your Meal
Breathe Before Your Meal
Mindful eating is a powerful tool for making wholesome choices — on our plates and in our lives. This breathing meditation will help you become more aware of your physical cues and emotional triggers so you can fully savor your food.
Mansi Mahajan
| 15 min
Breathe Through Overwhelm
Breathe Through Overwhelm
Strong emotions can descend on us like a storm, making it difficult to think clearly. In this session, you’ll learn ways to self-regulate your feelings, including a soothing and balancing breathwork practice.
Mansi Mahajan
| 16 min
Deep Breath for Stressed Parents
Deep Breath for Stressed Parents
Parents are only human — there are limits to your energy and patience. This practice will help you build a mindfulness toolkit to restore your inner reserves when your levels are running low.
Mansi Mahajan
| 16 min
3 Steps to Prepare for Breathwork
3 Steps to Prepare for Breathwork
If you're new to breathwork, these tips can help you maximize its transformative effects. Mansi Mahajan helps you set yourself up to fully receive the gifts of your practice.
Mansi Mahajan
| 15 min
Breathe Your Way to Joy
Breathe Your Way to Joy
Feeling blue? This energizing breathwork practice (known as Breath of Joy) with invigorating arm movements will help uplift your emotions and bring the vibrancy back into your life.
Mansi Mahajan
| 15 min
Breathwork for Better Sleep
Breathwork for Better Sleep
Switch off the body’s stress response with soothing Bhramari Pranayama (Humming Bee Breath). Let the gentle hum of this breathwork practice guide you toward restful sleep naturally.
Mansi Mahajan
| 14 min
Breathwork for Immune Support
Breathwork for Immune Support
Creating an oxygen-rich environment within the body can help support your immune system. Learn a cleansing and invigorating breathwork technique known as Kapalabhati (Skull Shining Breath) to flood your body with fresh energy and oxygen.
Mansi Mahajan
| 16 min
Mindful Movement Morning Boost
Mindful Movement Morning Boost
Not a morning person? These simple movements will take you from groggy to glowing. Shake off sleepiness and awaken energy in the body with seated twists, Cat-Cow Pose, tapping, and more.
Mansi Mahajan
| 15 min
Bellows Breath for Energy
Bellows Breath for Energy
In this age of distraction, overstimulation, and busyness, we need tools to enhance our inner power. Learn a technique known as Bhastrika, or Bellows Breath, to start your day with strength and vitality.
Mansi Mahajan
| 15 min
Breathwork to Quiet Overthinking
Breathwork to Quiet Overthinking
Deep breathing can enhance our bodies’ ability to deal with stress. This alternate nostril breathing practice will help bring more oxygen into the body, supporting a state of mental and physical calm.
Mansi Mahajan
| 14 min
Breathwork for Beginners
Breathwork for Beginners
Your breath is a powerful tool. It can calm you down, improve concentration, and even support your immune system. If you're curious to experience the benefits for yourself, this simple three-part breath technique is the perfect way to get started.
Mansi Mahajan
| 16 min
Breathe for a Better Mood
Breathe for a Better Mood
When the day feels heavy, this breathwork practice can give you a lift. Learn a breathing technique to help calm turbulent emotions and soothe stress, resulting in a brighter mood.
Mansi Mahajan
| 21 min
Yoga to Cultivate Gratitude
Yoga to Cultivate Gratitude
A loving-kindness practice to open your heart and foster profound thankfulness.
Mansi Mahajan
| 16 min
Chakra-Balancing Yoga Sequence
Chakra-Balancing Yoga Sequence
Find mind-body harmony through meditation and movement.
Mansi Mahajan
| 20 min
Yoga for Better Sleep
Yoga for Better Sleep
Use Yin Yoga and breathwork to help calm your mind for deep, restful sleep.
Mansi Mahajan
| 15 min
Discover Your Sense of Purpose
Discover Your Sense of Purpose
Use this guided meditation to discover your place in this world.
Mansi Mahajan
| 22 min
Yoga to Balance Your Chakras
Yoga to Balance Your Chakras
Learn your seven chakras and how to keep them aligned for health and happiness.
Mansi Mahajan
| 14 Sessions
Ease Into Meditation
Ease Into Meditation
So many of us say we want to meditate but find a reason not to. Join us for a simple mindfulness meditation to help you ease into a daily practice.
Mansi Mahajan
| 16 min
15-Minute Mindful Break
15-Minute Mindful Break
Refresh your focus with a quick dose of mindfulness. This guided meditation will help you tune out distractions and get back into your flow.
Mansi Mahajan
| 15 min
Feel Peaceful and Aware
Feel Peaceful and Aware
Our deepest callings come from a place beyond the mind — our inner knowing. In this meditation, you’ll practice a mudra (hand gesture) and breathwork to access this wisdom and invite a feeling of peace.
Mansi Mahajan
| 20 min
Feel Calm and Focused
Feel Calm and Focused
Turn down the volume on your busy mind. In this meditation, you’ll clear out the mental clutter by practicing mindful awareness of your thoughts and emotions.
Mansi Mahajan
| 18 min
Feel Vibrant and Energized
Feel Vibrant and Energized
Feel the buzz of universal energy within and around you. This meditation includes breathwork with sun and moon energy to leave you glowing with vitality.
Mansi Mahajan
| 19 min
Feel Grounded and at Ease
Feel Grounded and at Ease
Relax any tension or resistance and move deeper into bliss. In this experience of mindful movement and meditation, you'll set your whole being at ease.
Mansi Mahajan
| 20 min
Experience the Ether Element (Replay)
Experience the Ether Element (Replay)
Ether (space) is emptiness. But it is also potential. In this meditation, you'll learn a mantra, mudra (hand gesture), and breathing technique to connect with the ether element and cultivate its qualities of clarity and stillness.
Mansi Mahajan
| 20 min
Experience the Ether Element
Experience the Ether Element
Ether (space) is emptiness. But it is also potential. In this meditation, you'll learn a mantra, mudra (hand gesture), and breathing technique to connect with the ether element and cultivate its qualities of clarity and stillness.
Mansi Mahajan
| 19 min
Love Our Planet, Love Yourself
Love Our Planet, Love Yourself
The earth isn't just what's around us; it's within us, too. In honor of World Health Day, join us to chant the OM mantra and share the vision of a healthy, radiant planet for all of us.
Mansi Mahajan
| 20 min
Awaken the Air Element
Awaken the Air Element
Air represents freedom and flexibility — allowing new ideas to broaden your horizons. Join Mansi Mahajan for a meditation to balance the air element within you, helping you feel more open and uplifted.
Mansi Mahajan
| 20 min
Tend the Fire Element
Tend the Fire Element
Fire is the element of passion, expression, and connection. Join Mansi Mahajan for a guided meditation to help spark your inner flame, igniting your natural creativity and magnetism.
Mansi Mahajan
| 20 min
Balance the Earth Element (Replay)
Balance the Earth Element (Replay)
The wisdom of the earth relates to grounding and solidity. Join Mansi Mahajan for a meditation using a breathing technique, mantra, and mudra (hand gesture) to balance the earth element within you, inviting a sense of safety and stability.
Mansi Mahajan
| 20 min
Nurture the Water Element
Nurture the Water Element
Water moves effortlessly around obstacles. Join Mansi Mahajan for a meditation to balance the water element within, helping you flow through life with strength, ease, and alignment to your purpose.
Mansi Mahajan
| 19 min
Balance the Earth Element
Balance the Earth Element
The wisdom of the earth relates to grounding and solidity. Join Mansi Mahajan for a meditation using a breathing technique, mantra, and mudra (hand gesture) to balance the earth element within you, inviting a sense of safety and stability.
Mansi Mahajan
| 18 min
Activate Your Life-Force Energy
Activate Your Life-Force Energy
Glow from within by activating prana — your vital life-force energy. Join Mansi Mahajan for a rejuvenating meditation featuring a mudra (hand gesture) to help you rise and meet life with open arms.
Mansi Mahajan
| 20 min
From Gloom to Bloom
From Gloom to Bloom
Tap into your inner strength when you're feeling stuck or down. This meditation features a mudra (hand gesture) and visualization of a lotus flower — a symbol of resilience which blossoms from the mud.
Mansi Mahajan
| 19 min
From Exhaustion to Exuberance
From Exhaustion to Exuberance
Use mantra and breath to revitalize your energy and emerge feeling invigorated. Join Mansi Mahajan for a meditation to help raise your vibration, so you can shine your light on everyone you meet.
Mansi Mahajan
| 19 min
Candle-Gazing Meditation for Focus
Candle-Gazing Meditation for Focus
Try a candle-gazing meditation known as Trataka to activate focus, quiet your mind, and burn through any fears or limitations. If possible, please have a candle and a way to light it for this practice.
Mansi Mahajan
| 20 min
From Fear to Freedom
From Fear to Freedom
Have you allowed fear to be a gatekeeper in your life? In this meditation, Mansi Mahajan teaches a breathing exercise known as breath of fire to help you connect to your inner power and an innate sense of freedom.
Mansi Mahajan
| 20 min
Relax Your Eyes to Ease Stress
Relax Your Eyes to Ease Stress
In this soothing meditation, Mansi Mahajan guides you through eye yoga techniques to ease tension, followed by a deeply relaxing visualization.
Mansi Mahajan
| 31 min
Reset for Your Week Ahead
Reset for Your Week Ahead
Take time to restore before the week ahead. Join Mansi Mahajan for a relaxing meditation using movement and breathwork to reset your energy and focus.
Mansi Mahajan
| 27 min
Find Light by Embracing the Dark
Find Light by Embracing the Dark
Darkness can be a powerful catalyst for personal growth. Join Mansi Mahajan for a guided meditation using movement and breathwork to honor the deeper, darker parts of yourself and emerge feeling connected to the source of light within.
Mansi Mahajan
| 28 min
From Movement to Stillness (Encore Broadcast)
From Movement to Stillness (Encore Broadcast)
Shake off restlessness and find your way to stillness. Join Mansi Mahajan for a meditation using movement, mantra, and breathwork to tap into the deep wellspring of tranquility within you. This session was previously recorded on Jan 6, 2022.
Mansi Mahajan
| 35 min
Move Your Way to Stillness
Move Your Way to Stillness
Shake off restlessness and find your way to stillness. Join Mansi Mahajan for an exuberant meditation using movement, mantra, and breathwork to tap into the deep wellspring of tranquility within you.
Mansi Mahajan
| 24 min