Better Sleep for the Work Week
Power up your week with high-quality sleep. Explore recipes and practices for rest that fuels your best work.

Recipes for Better Sleep
Comfort Botanical Tea Blend
Get CookingA comforting cup of tea is like a hug in a cup, helping you unwind and get ready for bed.
Turbocharged Golden Milk
Get CookingSpeaking of comfort in a cup, try relaxing with a turmeric-rich mug of golden milk.
Mind-Body Bedtime Prep
Let Lingering Work Thoughts Go
Loosen the grip of your thoughts by observing them and letting them go at the end of a long workday.Watch Now -
Reduce Screen Time Before Bed
Use hypnotherapy techniques to unplug and clear your mind for sleep.Watch Now -
Relaxing Bedtime Affirmations
Allow your mind and body to truly relax for a peaceful night's sleepWatch Now -
Body Scan for Sleep
This body scan will help you reconnect to your body at the end of a busy day, so it can relax and drift to sleep.Watch Now -
Soothing Alternate Nostril Breathing
This practice is uniquely calming and helpful if you are stressed or anxious or have trouble falling asleep.Watch Now -
Prepare for More Restful Sleep
If you find yourself struggling to sleep, practice this guided sleep meditation to tame your busy mind.Watch Now -
Yoga Before Sleep
Wind down for a restful night's sleep with a practice that moves slow and stays low to the mat. Enjoy relaxing twists and soothing forward bends before melting into a final dreamy Savasana.Watch Now -
Ease Into Deep Sleep
4-7-8 Breath to Fall Asleep Fast
If you’re tossing and turning at night, this practice may facilitate relaxation and help you fall asleep in no time.Watch Now -
Affirmations to Fall Asleep Fast
Prepare your mind and body to be still and tranquil so you can get right to sleep.Watch Now -
Visualization for Uninterrupted Sleep
Use hypnotherapy techniques to reframe your sleep patterns and find faith in your body’s ability to sleep deeply.Watch Now -
Fall Back Asleep at Night
This practice will help put your worries “to bed” when you wake up at night, so you can fall back asleep easily.Watch Now