Find Your Natural Energy Source

6 mins Article Meditation
While everyone has a unique personal rhythm, many may benefit from a midday rest period when feeling fatigued.
Find Your Natural Energy Source

In physics, energy is defined as the capacity of a system to do work. And while the human body can be described as a “system,” our personal energy is subjective and tied to many variables that can affect our general feeling of stamina or vigor. 

We can think of energy as coming from four main wellsprings in human beings: the body, emotions, mind, and spirit. Each kilocalorie (kcal) we ingest corresponds to 4.184 kilojoules (4x103J) of energy. Simply through existing — sitting, standing, running, eating — all of these basic functions use and produce energy. As you would expect, short bursts of energy produce a higher electrical output, and we conserve energy as we rest.  

When engaged, your personal energy source can feel more stimulating than a cup of coffee, and this sort of natural boost can be sustainable, not fleeting. Having a way to naturally recharge allows you to enrich each day with the vibrance and energy to show up for yourself and others. Through meditation and mindfulness techniques, you can elevate natural energy sources through mindful recharging and bring more oomph to daily living.

Power Boosts and Energy Drains

Energy comes and goes in a pattern, and every person has their own energy blueprint. Supplementing in the areas of the day, or in certain activities, where we lack the energy needed is important to keep in mind. Consider whether you’re a night owl, staying up late and dreading early mornings, or an early bird who likes to follow the rhythms of the sun. We all have natural rhythms that are biologically programmed. 

Natural factors in the body produce circadian rhythms — an internal clock that helps shape our energy levels throughout the day. This clock is directly related to daylight, and as the sun wanes, our bodies start producing melatonin and readying for the sleep state, where we rest and restore.

While every person has a unique personal rhythm, many may benefit from a midday rest period when feeling lazy or fatigued. It has been shown that non-sleep deep rest (NSDR) helps to reset your energy and enhance neuroplasticity. In Spain and other parts of the world, it’s common to take a siesta, or power break, in the late afternoon, when energy naturally dips. Naps can be helpful to reset your energy midday, but that’s not the only way to boost your energy. “You can wake up with a few deep breaths,” says mindfulness coach Jay Vidyarthi.  

Pro tip: In this mini-meditation, discover how the simple act of breathing can offer a more powerful energy boost than a cup of coffee. 

And while natural energy boosters can leave us feeling recharged, habits like negative self-talk can impact us adversely, leaving us feeling drained. “I used to hate myself as a way to protect myself from anybody hurting me,” says meditation teacher Vimalasara. Through meditation, she teaches a way to heal negative feelings toward the self, turning them into love. When we feel positive energy, we tend to feel more energized, than drained. 

Sleep, too, can affect our energy stores, and not enough sleep can leave you feeling foggy. A good night's sleep helps clear the brain of toxic byproducts that accumulate throughout the day, and it allows time for the body to repair itself at the cellular level. And while it may feel counterintuitive, an activity like yoga before bedtime can help wind down your system through relaxing twists and soothing bends.  

Natural Energy Boosters in Meditation, Mindfulness, and Breathwork

Building a consistent wholistic energy practice can help you feel more balanced, providing energy when you need a lift, while also calming our nerves. Meditation and mindfulness can be practiced anywhere, anytime, by anyone — making it a universally accessible method to boost energy. Meditation makes for a healthy energy source as it’s shown to benefit all four wellsprings of energy: physical, mental, emotional and spiritual.

5 Natural Practices for an Energy Boost

Take a walk – It’s not necessary to sit in stillness in order to meditate. In many Buddhists traditions, walking meditations are used to build focus and concentration. Mindful walking has health benefits that have been found to improve sleep, lower blood pressure, and reduce stress and symptoms of depression. Try this walk for an energy boost and better wellbeing.

Moving meditation – Yoga is considered a form of meditation, connecting the inhale and exhale with movement. Even 10 minutes of yoga can “refresh your body and mind with a few rounds of sun salutations,” says Roundglass yoga teacher Leah Cullis-Arvelo.   

Connect to the source – In science, source energy refers to “potential energy” that can be used to perform work. In meditation practices, source energy is connected to finding our center. Through breath and body awareness, tapping into source energy can leave us feeling supported, fulfilled, and invigorated, where connection may feel powerful. 

Breathwork – “By practicing 2-3 cycles of power breathing, the technique has been found to produce profound increases in the release of naturally occurring stimulants like adrenaline, cortisol, and dopamine,” says David Vago, Ph.D., Roundglass research lead and meditation teacher. These hormones can stimulate the body to mobilize energy. Try this energizing breathwork practice for a natural boost. 

Creating a Sustainable Natural Energy Practice 

Build a “power break” through movement, meditation, or mindfulness practices, and over time you can develop healthy habits to boost energy naturally. Generating natural energy helps to refresh both our body and mind, without the need for stimulants that can potentially harm or slow us down. 

“The power of a routine is enormous, it creates a rhythm within, and when done daily, allows for powerful hormones to be secreted that benefit mental health, vitality, awareness and happiness,” says Roundglass wellbeing expert and life coach Leena Gupta.  

Taking power breaks and boosting your energy are good habits that can help support you during long days, bolstering energy stores and leaving you feeling uplifted. Even on days when you feel lazy or have no energy, these easy-to-do practices can help you to mindfully recharge. Whether you take a power break, or go for a walking meditation, you can boost your energy and recharge your wellsprings. 

Try this class, Create an Ultra Routine by Roundglass wellbeing expert and life coach Leena Gupta, to experience how breathwork and meditation can help to optimize energy, performance, inspiration and focus. 

Key Takeaways:

  • Energy comes and goes in a pattern, and every person has their own energy blueprint.
  • Building a consistent wholistic energy practice can help you feel more balanced, providing energy when you need a lift, while also calming nerves.
  • Generating natural energy helps to refresh both our body and mind.

About the Teacher

Amy Pennington

Amy Pennington

Amy joins Roundglass as a writer with more than 15 years of experience in print and digital, including Martha Stewart Living, The Seattle Times, and Sunset Magazine. She has six published books, her latest, Tiny Space Gardening, was published in the spring of 2022. Amy is a dedicated meditator, energy worker, and lifelong seeker who has used the power of breath and meditation to alter brain patterns and change her life. She is passionate about sharing this universal and natural ability through her work with RoundGlass.

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