Strengthen Focus
Mental agility can always be improved over time. Build confidence with a growth mindset that could help influence an increase in productivity and focus in various aspects of your life.
View allEasy Meditation for Beginners
Simple tricks to make it stick.
Pizza Meditation
Tame challenging thoughts with a familiar visual.
Tasty Thoughts
Learn what it means to savor a happy moment.
The Flashlight
Learn to direct your focus like a beam of light.
The Mindful Sound Detective
Search for clues in the sounds within and around you.
Buzzing Bee Breath
Buzz like a bee to feel more peaceful and relaxed.
Breathe Like a Lion
Roar like a lion to feel strong, powerful, and courageous.
Find Your Mantra
Find a mantra that fits your vibeāone you can use for calm or inner strength.