Yoga Classes
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Yoga Before Sleep
Wind down for a restful night's sleep with a practice that moves slow and stays low to the mat. Enjoy relaxing twists and soothing forward bends before melting into a final dreamy Savasana.

Slow and Spacious Yoga Flow
Slow down and make space to hear and feel your body. This meditative flow will help you tap into your center and return to balance.

The Healing Power of Yoga (Encore)
To celebrate International Yoga Day, psychotherapist Sunaina Rekhi and trauma-sensitive yoga instructor Ceasar F. Barajas join us for a conversation on the power of yoga to help us lead joyful and fulfilling lives. Previously recorded on June 16, 2022.

Feel-Good Vinyasa Flow
Join Leah Cullis for an awakening yoga flow to help move stagnant energy, ease areas of tightness, and leave you feeling renewed in mind, body, and spirit.
Yoga Courses
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Total Body Tension Melt
Wellbeing starts with how you feel.

Yoga to Balance Nature's Elements
Learn yoga, meditation, and breathwork to feel calm and centered in your mind and body.

Clear Your Mind with Kundalini
Clear out mental cobwebs and strengthen your intuition.

Everyday Yoga for Stress Relief
Try these gentle yoga stretches to release fatigue and tension from your body.
Articles about Yoga
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Yoga for Better Health
Yoga more than just a physical activity — it’s a mind-body practice that also includes breathing exercises, relaxation, and meditation.

5 Yoga Poses Anyone Can Do
These beginner yoga poses will help you stress less, sleep better, and strengthen mind-body awareness.

Vinyasa Yoga for Beginners
Vinayasa can be seen as a way of flowing in the world as well, framing things in cycles with a beginning, middle, and end.

Pranayama & Mindful Eating
Yogic breathing aids in digestion
and metabolism while eating.

Yoga for Life: My 5 Favorite Poses
Yoga makes me feel alive. This International Day of Yoga, try out the practice to better help you interconnect your mind, body, and soul.

Chakra Meditations for Sleep
When the root chakra is imbalanced or blocked, it can be difficult to fall asleep, and it can also show up in our dreams.

Yoga: Relaxation, Fitness, or Both?
Much has been made of yoga's mental and emotional benefits, but what are its physical virtues?

Dream Yoga for the Mind and Soul
For more advanced students of yoga, lucid dreaming is a fun and eye-opening challenge