Radiate Love and Peace

20-mins Class Meditation & Mindfulness
Radiate Love and Peace

About this Class

Radiate love and peace towards yourself and others, filling your heart with feelings of softness, warmth, and joy.

This loving-kindness practice will spread sensations of safety, peace, and joy throughout your body, by focusing on sending love out into the world. You will start by sending love and peace towards yourself, then towards someone you love, followed by someone that you have neutral feelings for, and finally towards someone you dislike. Letting your heart open, and sending them good wishes regardless of how you feel about them, will strengthen your capacity to love, and will help you become a kinder, more compassionate person.

About the Teacher

Jyothi Shyamsunder

Jyothi Shyamsunder

Jyothi Shyamsunder is a mindfulness, compassion and consciousness practitioner with certifications in presence-oriented psychotherapy and Vipassana meditation.
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