Tame Your Triggers

13-mins Mini-Course Meditation & Mindfulness
Tame Your Triggers

About this Mini-Course

Anger triggers are like a warning system for the body. Through these practices, we'll learn to identify what sets us off and why.

Triggers are just tender spots within our emotions that get stirred up by certain situations. Once we understand what they are and why they feel so disruptive, we can start to heal them and feel more balanced. This mini-course features practices to help you identify what's setting you off and why, so you can get back to feeling calm and balanced.

About the Teachers

Lama Yeshe

Lama Yeshe

A monk in the Kagyu tradition of Tibetan Buddhism, karma, Lama Yeshe aims to help as many people as possible through sound therapy, meditation, mindfulness, and emotional counseling sessions. Having studied mindfulness since the age of 19, Yeshe continues to expand on his passion for teaching both in person and virtually.
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Curtis Smith

Curtis Smith

Motivational speaker and educator Curtis Smith has transformed thousands of lives by using music, movement, art and writing to activate the science-based benefits of mindfulness. Now the founder of Moment of Mindfulness, Smith has expanded his portfolio of clients to communities that benefit from culturally responsive mindfulness tools.
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