Death FAQs
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What is an end of life doula?

If you could live forever, would you?

Is there evidence of an afterlife?

How long is it normal to grieve?
Answers to the question how long is it normal to grieve.

How can I live peacefully with a terminal diagnosis?
Answers about how to live more peacefully when facing end of life and a terminal diagnosis.

Where can I get grief support?

How do I cope with anxiety while grieving?
Featured Classes
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Heal After Loss
Three practices for finding peace in the throes of grief.

Connect to Love When Grieving
Experience how meditation can support you in connecting with the memory of someone you love.

Befriend Regrets When Grieving
Make peace with what you can’t change after the death of a loved one.

Be Patient with Your Grief
See how meditation can help you release any expectations you have around your relationship with grief.

Ease the Stress of Sadness
Find relief from a heavy heart, which can trigger stress and racing thoughts. Explore the emotion of sadness in the hopes that you can learn from it and let it go.

Find Your Power in Loss
This guided visualization will help you reconnect with the love associated with your loss, and turn your pain into power.
Featured Articles
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Want to Become a Death Doula? 5 Questions to Ask

Rice is Life
Across India, rice is a
metaphor for holistic
wellbeing and nourishment.

Pushing Past Pain With Meditation
I saw how our ancestry can shape us. And I saw how, along with generational trauma, comes generational wisdom.

The Wisdom of Grief

EOL Guide: What Are The Options For My Body When I Die?
It takes only a few moments of consideration to see that our traditional ways of handling dead bodies aren't working anymore.

Green Burials 101
Learn about this environmentally-friendly alternative to traditional burials.