How do I cope with anxiety while grieving?

How do I cope with anxiety while grieving?
1 Response
  • Anonymous User
    July 14th, 2020

    There are two things that need to happen to cope with anxiety while grieving. The first is to really take a look at your grieving process and ask yourself if you feel like you have fully grieved. Are there things you need to sit with more? Is there guilt or anger you need to resolve? If so, working on those things will help you move through a lot of the deep unprocessed grief that is causing some anxiety. 

    On top of that, it's really important to find ways to get balanced and centered and stop the cyclical thoughts that can come after a loss. You can do cognitive behavioral work, or even better doing meditation and mindfulness. Meditation is one of the things I recommend more than anything for grieving clients

    When we're grieving, we're often thinking a lot about the past. And we're often thinking a lot about the future, and spending very little time in the present moment. So turning to tools like meditation and mindfulness can really help bring you back to the present moment and center you and relieve some of that anxiety.