Road Map to Your Chakras
In this course, you'll learn:
- The seven chakras and their mind-body benefits.
- How to balance your chakras for optimal living.
About this Course
Chakras are energy centers in the body. This course shows you how to harness their power for better health, peace, and happiness.
About the Teacher
9 Sessions
Course Introduction
1. Meet Your ChakrasLearn how this energy system can empower you to take charge of your wellbeing.17 mins
2. Root Chakra: Embodying BalanceKeep your root chakra strong to feel safe, worthy, and firmly rooted to the earth.15 mins
3. Sacral Chakra: I Love MeThe sacral chakra is the energy wheel of our inner child, where creativity, fun, pleasure, laughter, and delight reside. When out of balance, we may feel dramatic, victimized, or persecuted, or run into creative blocks.14 mins
4. Solar Plexus Chakra: My SuperpowerLearn the magic of the solar plexus chakra—the seat of your personal power that helps with assertiveness and self-possession.23 mins
5. Heart Chakra: Love Is a ForceBalance your heart chakra to improve relationships, happiness, and harmony.19 mins
6. Throat Chakra: The Power of SpeechExpress yourself openly and with ease—with a little help from your throat chakra.18 mins
7. Third-Eye Chakra: Cosmic WisdomSharpen your vision and intuition by opening your third-eye chakra.17 mins
8. Crown Chakra: Universal OnenessThe crown chakra connects us to higher levels of cosmic consciousness.13 mins
9. Harmonizing the Chakra SystemNow that each chakra is in balance, learn to maintain the entire energy system.16 mins