Feeling Grounded and Stable

12-mins Class Meditation & Mindfulness
Feeling Grounded and Stable

About this Class

Feel strong, supported, safe, and at ease in your body as you navigate the joys and challenges of everyday life.

Try this grounding guided practice when you feel fidgety, impatient, or uncomfortable in your physical body, or when life gets so stressful and overwhelming that you feel ungrounded and unstable. This powerful meditation will help you connect to the solidity and strength of your body, and to the stability of the earth beneath you, so you can feel supported at all times.

About the Teacher

Kate Savage

Kate Savage

Kate Savage is a meditation practitioner and teacher in the Theravada tradition. She aims to spread Buddha’s teachings, so they are accessible and understandable to anyone, anywhere. Savage has been actively practicing meditation since 1993 and currently teaches others how to exercise mindfulness.
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