8 Life-Changing Truths

8 Sessions Course Meditation, Learning & Wisdom
8 Life-Changing Truths

In this course, you'll:

  • Release beliefs that no longer serve you.
  • Change your perspective for transformative growth.

About this Course

Explore the insights inherent in contradiction—what Nithya calls contra-wisdoms, the lessons that go against the grain of what we think we know.

About the Teacher

Nithya Shanti

Nithya Shanti

Spiritual teacher Nithya Shanti is passionate about helping others realize the joy that exists within. Through his work at the Nithya Shanti Foundation, Shanti works to address contemporary issues through spiritual teachings of mindfulness and compassion.
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8 Sessions

  1. Course Introduction
    Course Introduction
  2. Prepare Your Consciousness, Not Your Content
    1. Prepare Your Consciousness, Not Your Content
    We teach not through the things we say or do, but through who we are.
    16 mins
  3. Seek Connection over Perfection
    2. Seek Connection over Perfection
    When you focus on perfection, you actually create disconnection. But connection naturally brings perfection.
    12 mins
  4. Give What You Seek to Receive
    3. Give What You Seek to Receive
    Whatever it is you're seeking in this world, give that to others.
    10 mins
  5. From Hard Disk to Wi-Fi: Perceiving Your Brain
    4. From Hard Disk to Wi-Fi: Perceiving Your Brain
    When you look at your brain as a memory device based on past experiences, you're limited by the known.
    12 mins
  6. Where There Is Suffering, There Is Freedom
    5. Where There Is Suffering, There Is Freedom
    Whenever you're struggling, a part of your being is rejoicing and expanding.
    17 mins
  7. When There Is Nothing to Do, Do Nothing
    6. When There Is Nothing to Do, Do Nothing
    There's a time and a place to give it everything you've got—and a time and a place to do nothing.
    11 mins
  8. What Happens When You Lose Your Values
    7. What Happens When You Lose Your Values
    The idea of losing your cherished values is scary—but it can also be freeing.
    13 mins
  9. Being a Lifelong Student
    8. Being a Lifelong Student
    Is it possible that the opposite of what you believe is also true?
    8 mins