Learn Meditating in 21 Days

21 Sessions Course Meditation
Learn Meditating in 21 Days

In this course, you will learn:

  • How to make a meditation practice work for you.
  • Transformative tools for working with stress, anxiety, sleep, and happiness.

About this Course

Ready to unlock calm and focus? This course will guide you through the basics of meditation, sampling different techniques along the way. 

About the Teacher

David Harshada Wagner

David Harshada Wagner

David Harshada Wagner believes if you’re not living with all your heart, power, wisdom, and passion, something is missing — and meditation can help you find it. With over 25 years of training in addiction recovery, yoga, Bhakti, Vedanta, and Tantric Shaivism, Wagner works with individuals to cultivate their own journey toward innate joy.
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21 Sessions

  1. Course Introduction
    Course Introduction
  2. What Meditation Can Do
    1. What Meditation Can Do
    Learn how to meditate on your own terms and understand the basics.
    10 mins
  3. Setting the Stage
    2. Setting the Stage
    Set up your time and space for meditation.
    11 mins
  4. Finding Time and Space
    3. Finding Time and Space
    Create a ritual around your practice that nourishes your self-care needs.
    13 mins
  5. Preparing Your Body and Mind
    4. Preparing Your Body and Mind
    Prepare your physical body for meditation so you're ready to turn inward.
    15 mins
  6. No Right Way to Meditate
    5. No Right Way to Meditate
    There are so many ways to meditate. Find what works for you.
    12 mins
  7. Breath Control 1: Even Breath
    6. Breath Control 1: Even Breath
    Change the way you breathe to change your state of mind.
    12 mins
  8. Breath Control 2: Slow Down
    7. Breath Control 2: Slow Down
    Try ujjayi breathing, an exercise focused on lengthening the breath.
    13 mins
  9. Breath Control 3: The Space Between Breaths
    8. Breath Control 3: The Space Between Breaths
    Learn this ancient technique to cultivate power and peace within.
    14 mins
  10. Transforming Your Landscape
    9. Transforming Your Landscape
    Make your inner landscape the way you want it, no matter what's happening outside.
    12 mins
  11. Cultivating the Energy You Want
    10. Cultivating the Energy You Want
    Discover how to clear your inner energy to optimize your life.
    11 mins
  12. Bhavana 1: Gratitude
    11. Bhavana 1: Gratitude
    Turn an unhelpful thought pattern around by embodying the energy of its opposite.
    14 mins
  13. Bhavana 2: Unconditional Love
    12. Bhavana 2: Unconditional Love
    Learn a Sufi practice to help expand your love muscle, where you feel love in your body.
    13 mins
  14. Bhavana 3: The Medicine You Need
    13. Bhavana 3: The Medicine You Need
    Take the concept of bhavana and put it together in a way that is custom-fit for you.
    12 mins
  15. The Power of Language: Hamsa Practice
    14. The Power of Language: Hamsa Practice
    Experience the pure consciousness that's at your core with this mantra meditation.
    12 mins
  16. Meditate into the Mystery
    15. Meditate into the Mystery
    Dive into who you are, what you're doing, and how you're showing up in the world.
    13 mins
  17. Connect to Something Bigger than Yourself
    16. Connect to Something Bigger than Yourself
    Meditation can be so much more than a way to de-stress.
    14 mins
  18. Loving Kindness Meditation
    17. Loving Kindness Meditation
    Live in a more loving way and share your vibration with the world around you.
    15 mins
  19. Living Meditation
    18. Living Meditation
    Discover how you can you take the benefits of your meditation practice out into the real world.
    13 mins
  20. As Above, So Below Meditation
    19. As Above, So Below Meditation
    Go through a visualization to pinpoint positive adjustments you can make in your life.
    14 mins
  21. Coming Up with a Plan
    20. Coming Up with a Plan
    Take time to plan how you'll incorporate meditation into your life moving forward.
    13 mins
  22. Celebration Meditation
    21. Celebration Meditation
    Now that you've established a habit of meditating for 21 days, take your practice into the future.
    12 mins