Eating with Wisdom

10-mins Class Meditation & Mindfulness
Eating with Wisdom

About this Class

Explore the impulse to mindlessly eat and connect to an inner wisdom that can help you make purposeful food choices.

"I shouldn't eat this.." How do you feel and respond when this thought arrives before you eat or when faced with a craving? This practice will help you sit with uncomfortable emotions that surface around your relationship with food. Using your attention, breath, and an affirmation, you'll develop a capacity to be less reactive when tempted into unhelpful eating habits. Practicing regularly leads to making more empowered choices when it comes to food.

About the Teacher

Vishvapani Blomfield

Vishvapani Blomfield

Vishvapani Blomfield believes that mindfulness isn’t just about sitting still and practicing meditation — it’s about bringing a deeper awareness into your whole life. As the director of Mindfulness in Action, Blomfield works towards enlightening individuals on the transformative power of practicing mindfulness in daily life.
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