Ease into Deep Sleep

10-mins Class Meditation & Mindfulness
Ease into Deep Sleep

About this Class

A simple, relaxing body scan helps you release physical and mental tensions from the day so you can ease into slumber.

Learning to invite sleep, rather than force it, can help you rest more deeply and easily. This is especially helpful if you have a busy mind right before bedtime. Instead of getting stuck in thought, you’ll be guided to release tension from your body by surrendering to gravity, allowing you to feel fully supported, warm, and safe as you drift into slumber.

About the Teacher

Vishvapani Blomfield

Vishvapani Blomfield

Vishvapani Blomfield believes that mindfulness isn’t just about sitting still and practicing meditation — it’s about bringing a deeper awareness into your whole life. As the director of Mindfulness in Action, Blomfield works towards enlightening individuals on the transformative power of practicing mindfulness in daily life.
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