Reconnect with Nature From Anywhere

4 min Article Meditation
Don’t let being inside or the busyness of the day keep you from getting your daily dose of the natural world.
Reconnect with Nature From Anywhere

Connecting with nature helps you move into a more optimal state of coherence and feeling good. But what happens when you find a lot of your time is spent indoors? Or maybe, you feel like you are stuck indoors!

If this is the case, don’t sweat it at all. I will share how you can still connect to nature even if you find yourself tethered to your living room.

Find Time to Play

If you happen to have a pet or a young child, my first suggestion is to spend time playing with your pet or children. Animals and kids bring you back into a state of presence.

Naturally, our dogs, cats, goldfish, and young children are always in the present moment. Have you ever noticed a toddler being gleefully engrossed in their favorite sandbox, jungle gym, or with their treasured toy?

You can feel connected back to the true nature of the present moment just by spending time with them.

Mindfully Indulge Your Green Thumb

For the indoor plant lover, an awesome way to connect back to nature is to tend to your plant for five minutes each day. Give it a spritz of water; take note of its new blooms or shoots, position it, so it’s getting that afternoon sun just right. Taking care of your plants will get you out of your head and feeling connected again with the natural world.

Be Present While You Cook

For the home chef (or aspiring chef), cooking your next meal is another way to connect to nature. For this practice, I suggest making a meal full of vibrant, delicious vegetables and practicing mindfulness as you wash your vegetables. Chop them up and prepare them on your plate.

Mindful cooking will bring your senses alive and give you a moment of reconnection with the natural world.

One of my favorite indoor “nature” practices is to sky gaze out the window.

Allow your eyes to look outside into the vast perspective of the sky, and take in its expansiveness; let the sky remind you of your natural state of ease. Bring your attention to your body for a moment and the in-flow and out-flow of your breath. Then, allow your gaze to lift into the sky, taking in the breadth of its scope as you remain connected to the sensations of your inhale and exhale.

Notice any clouds or birds in the sky and the coming and going of these occurrences as you let your inhale and exhale expand you and connect you to your true nature.

When you become creative about your connection with nature, multiple ways to stay in tune with the natural life force will manifest around you. My workday usually consists of quiet creative time dispersed throughout phone and zoom meetings. I use any short transition to squeeze in one of these practices to get my nature fix.

Don’t let being inside or the busyness of the day keep you from getting your daily dose of the natural world. 

Try this Roundglass class, Kissing the Earth to Re-Energize, by trauma expert Valerie (Vimalasara) Mason-John, to learn how to re-establish a connection with the earth, regardless of your external environment. 

About the Teacher

Cara Bradley

Cara Bradley

Performance coach Cara Bradley is known for her no-hype, cutting-edge body-brain tools that help people feel and perform their best. Bradley draws from her experience as a college athlete and professional figure skater to assist others in helping to regulate themselves when they are feeling overwhelmed in order to optimize performance and flow.
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