Prep Your Vegan Week

5 Sessions Course Healthy Eating
Prep Your Vegan Week

About this Course

Turn good intentions into healthy habits with JL Fields' meal plans. Prep nutritious vegan breakfasts, lunches, dinners, dips, beans, and grains. 

photo by Signe Birck

About the Teacher

JL Fields

JL Fields

JL Fields is a vegan chef, an accomplished author, a National Board-certified Health and Wellness Coach, and a wellness brand consultant.
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5 Sessions

  1. Course Introduction
    Course Introduction
  2. Cinnamon & Spice Overnight Oats
    1. Cinnamon & Spice Overnight Oats
    Pumpkin seeds, pecans, and spices wake up your taste buds.
    5 mins
  3. White Bean Dip & Cashew "Cheese" Sauce
    2. White Bean Dip & Cashew "Cheese" Sauce
    A duo of dips for your favorite raw veggies.
    6 mins
  4. Batch Cooking Beans and Grains
    3. Batch Cooking Beans and Grains
    It's easier than you think. Try something new to you.
    5 mins
  5. Salad in a Jar
    4. Salad in a Jar
    Build a colorful, portable lunch that will never be boring.
    5 mins
  6. Anasazi Beans with Wheat Berries
    5. Anasazi Beans with Wheat Berries
    Turn your batch cooking into a dinner party dish.
    7 mins