Eating the Past, Tasting the Future

Penguin (2023)
Eating the Past, Tasting the Future

Delve into the changing world of Indian cuisine and its relationship to global food through the expert lens of food historian, Charmaine O'Brien. In her latest, "Eating the Present, Tasting the Future," O'Brien unveils the complex nature of modern Indian eating habits in its big cities, which emulate global culinary developments and trends chasing health, taste, and commercialization. At a time when health and nutrition are the subjects of compelling food conversations, O’Brien’s book argues that economic and social liberalization and rapid urbanization have led to a decline in eating standards in India. While Indian food is increasingly branded as vegan and Ayurveda and traditional culinary wisdom is co-opted by the West for commercial benefits, O’Brien nudges India to claim its rightful place as a “global culinary superpower” with a major role in supporting sustainable foodways on the planet.

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The Benefits

Read Charmaine O’Brien’s book to know:

  • The salient features of Indian food and its global influence
  • The impact of global food culture on Indian eating patterns
  • The changes in Indian eating habits and the repercussions on wellbeing and culinary traditions