Sudha's Story

Sudha G. Tilak is an author, translator and editor based out of Gurgaon in North India. She has worked as a journalist for over two decades in Chennai, Kolkata, and Delhi, and has reported from the UK, Germany, Sri Lanka, and Australia before the internet era.

She grew up in a vegetarian south Indian family in Tamil Nadu. Her abiding memory is of her mother in a brown cotton sari with red flowers sitting down on the floor and chopping vegetables on a curved iron blade, her ruby and gold bangles tinkling as she diced moringa pods and her mother singing as she went about her cooking.

Researching and writing on regional Indian cuisine as an editor with Lonely Planet’s travel and food guides in India and writing articles on stories around food for magazines has bought her closer to the roots she left behind for cosmopolitan tastes as a travelling adult. 

Happiest when cooking for friends and family, Sudha's ideas on food and wellbeing resonate with her work at RoundGlass.

Her first book, Temple Tales, was a bestseller and Hungry Humans, her first work of translation from Tamil to English, is a period novel set in the first half of the 20th C Tamil Nadu.