Yoga's 8-Step Path to Awakening
In this course, you'll learn:
- Lessons from the eight limbs of yoga.
- How to practice nonattachment and find more joy.
About this Course
Learn the ancient philosophy behind modern yoga for a more peaceful, awakened life. Discover how you can apply this philosophy to daily life.
About the Teacher
20 Sessions
Course Introduction
1. What Is True Yoga?Understand what yoga really meant to Patanjali and that the real goal of yoga is to neutralize our biased feelings in order to move toward complete unity with consciousness and to move toward our goals in our daily lives.23 mins
2. 8 Steps to FreedomUnderstand the eight limbs of yoga and use them to move toward your goals—both spiritual and material.22 mins
3. Ahimsa (Nonviolence)Ahimsa (nonviolence) is a key virtue in yoga that promotes compassion and universal love toward all living things.18 mins
4. Satya (Non-lying, Truthfulness)In yoga, practicing satya (truthfulness) means living and speaking in a way that aligns with your highest truth.17 mins
5. Asteya (Non-stealing)Manifest abundance through understanding asteya (non-stealing).18 mins
6. Aparigraha (Nonattachment)Use the fifth yama, aparigraha (nonattachment), to accept what is and to make room for all that's yet to come.18 mins
7. Brahmacharya (Non-sensuality)Tap into your senses and redirect prana (life force energy) toward intentional creativity.17 mins
8. Saucha (Cleanliness, Purity)Through the second limb of yoga, the niyamas, start manifesting balance and harmony to allow for more powerful meditations and a satisfied mind.18 mins
9. Santosha (Contentment)Incorporate contentment into your life, and cultivate joy in this moment.15 mins
10. Tapasya (Austerity)Practice discipline to help control your energy and channel it in the direction you choose.16 mins
11. Svadhyaya (Self-Study, Introspection)Through self-reflection and introspection, you'll learn how to take actionable steps forward to improve your life.18 mins
12. Ishvara Pranidhana (Devotion)This practice of devotion and surrender will help you overcome many of life's obstacles.15 mins
13. Asana (Posture and Stillness)The third limb of yoga, asana, trains the physical body in order to strengthen the mind.17 mins
14. Pranayama, Part 1: Energy ControlYou can create and control energy through breath and body movement.20 mins
15. Pranayama, Part 2: Will, Energy, and MagnetismBreathwork strengthens the connection between body and mind.19 mins
16. Pratyahara (Interiorizing Prana and the Senses)Expand your understanding of prana (life force energy), and discover how to attract your best life.19 mins
17. Dharana (Concentration)Dharana is a state of total focus—where the mind can relax into deep meditation.19 mins
18. Dhyana (Meditation and Absorption)Immerse yourself fully into your meditation.18 mins
19. Samadhi (Complete Unity of Consciousness)True spiritual enlightenment, samadhi, is the highest state of consciousness achieved through meditation.21 mins
20. Putting It All TogetherLive your practice for more peace daily.33 mins