Morning Meditation for Focus

10-mins Class Meditation & Mindfulness
Morning Meditation for Focus

About this Class

Focus, settle, and prepare for the day ahead by connecting to a calm and confident space within.

Does thinking about your daily schedule bring you worry or anxiety? Practice this mindful breathing meditation to relax physical, mental, and emotional tension, allowing you to feel more focused and prepared for the day ahead. In this meditation, you’ll tap into an inherent sense of spaciousness and ease that dwells within so you can show up with confidence. 

About the Teacher

Vishvapani Blomfield

Vishvapani Blomfield

Vishvapani Blomfield believes that mindfulness isn’t just about sitting still and practicing meditation — it’s about bringing a deeper awareness into your whole life. As the director of Mindfulness in Action, Blomfield works towards enlightening individuals on the transformative power of practicing mindfulness in daily life.
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