Grow Your Pain Resilience

10-mins Class Meditation & Mindfulness
Grow Your Pain Resilience

About this Class

Contact your natural capacity to soothe yourself when you’re experiencing pain or facing a difficult situation.

When pain arrives in the body, it’s natural to crave an immediate fix or resolution. But short-term fixes are often just that — short-lived. Learn a new way of connecting to your relationship with pain so that you aren’t caught in an endless cycle of suffering. By learning how to be with your breath and develop kindness and warmth toward yourself, you can grow your resilience to pain.

About the Teacher

Vishvapani Blomfield

Vishvapani Blomfield

Vishvapani Blomfield believes that mindfulness isn’t just about sitting still and practicing meditation — it’s about bringing a deeper awareness into your whole life. As the director of Mindfulness in Action, Blomfield works towards enlightening individuals on the transformative power of practicing mindfulness in daily life.
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