How I Get Ready to Meditate

3 mins Article Meditation
The best preparation for meditation is cultivating joy, which leads to openness and receptivity.
How I Get Ready to Meditate

Every day, I sit for an hour in meditation. I don't just pop out of bed, ready to meditate the moment my eyelids flutter open, though — I have to get prepared.

(If the idea of sitting in meditation for an hour a day feels intimidating, check out some great tips for beginners. You can work your way up; don't feel like you have to start there.)

A lot of people do roll out of bed, moving straight from sleep to meditation, and that's great, but it doesn't work for me. I have a straightforward routine that begins with drinking coffee and making a Spotify playlist, which I enjoy. I put myself in a good mood, and I try to meditate only when I'm ready. This requires waking up early enough to give myself time to get to this state.

Making a Change

However, there was a time when I never would've allowed myself to do this. I used to get up, meditate, and practice focusing my thoughts, but my body resisted it. I realized that before you do anything, you have to prepare yourself. If you don't, it's like trying to get a pushpin into a rigid surface.

The best preparation for meditation is cultivating joy, which leads to openness and receptivity. If I enter meditation grumpy or perturbed, then I'll have to spend time in meditation opening that up. By preparing beforehand, I can use my time in meditation more effectively.

Another important aspect for me was switching up my ritual. My meditation had become flat, and I told myself, "You gotta shake this." Just as the seasons change, so too do your needs. By being willing to adjust my routine, I'm showing that I'm engaged with my practice and not just going through the motions. I'm sure it will only continue to evolve from here.

A Good Time

Always keep in mind that if you don't like meditating, you won't do it — so find a way to make it an enjoyable experience. If that's creating a routine for yourself that puts you in the right frame of mind to meditate, try it! It might not always be fun, and difficult feelings can come to the surface, but your practice can always be rooted in joy. 

Keep it light, and start your day with this fun moving meditation, Guided Dance to Release Tension, by mindfulness coach, Jay Vidyarthi. 

Header photo: RoBeDeRo/E+/Getty Images

About the Teacher

Miriam Parker

Miriam Parker

Miriam Parker offers 10 years of experience as a meditation teacher in variety of professional spaces. With 500 hours of meditation and yoga teacher training, Parker works with individuals to establish a healthier outlook on life, regardless of their external circumstances.
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