The Wellness Principles

Phaidon (2022)
The Wellness Principles

Forget the weird fad diets and pick up this book. "The Wellness Principles" might be the most reasonable (yet aesthetically gorgeous) cookbook you’re likely to come across, if you’re trying to figure out the best way to nourish your body without fretting over bizarre restrictions and austere ideologies. As author Gary Deng writes, “Good nutrition does not rely on a few ‘superfoods.’ It focuses on a consistent healthy eating habit, practiced over years.” What might that practice look like? Dr. Deng gently anticipates every question you may have, and he answers them with tips (and recipes) that blossom with pragmatic wisdom: walk for five minutes after meals, pick foods by their colors, use fresh ingredients, limit your sugar intake, manage stress, eat mindfully. “In addition to your physical and emotional wellbeing,” he offers, “you also need to take care of your spiritual wellbeing.” We second that. 

DIALOGUE | Q&A with Dr. Gary Deng

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Cover art courtesy Phaidon