Videos about Boost Happiness
Mastering Success: The Power of Discipline in Sports and Life
My Purpose in Life: Democratize Wholistic Wellbeing
I believe access to wellbeing is a human right.
The Key To a Thriving State of Mind
A small change in your mindset can help you reach your full potential and live longer.
Are You in a Zombie State?
Stop thinking about the future or the past, learn to live in the now.
Be Authentic, Be Vulnerable
If you want to build authentic relationships, speak from the heart.
Find Your Purpose, Find Happiness
Happiness lies within, all you need is to find your sense of purpose.
Lead With Wholistic Wellbeing
A good leader is always in service of this team.
Mindful Eating: My Relationship With Food
Eating mindfully can help you create a meaningful connection with your food.
The Beautiful Things in Life
We all desire something more and end up missing out on precious moments in our daily life.
Do Everything Mindfully
When you're truly present, the best things in life will come to you.
Do You Celebrate Life?
Every moment that you live is a beautiful experience. Don't take the day for granted.
One Must Be in Service
When you are in service of something or somebody, your life is never empty.
Live In The Now
Stop living in the future, learn to live for today.
Slow Down to Catch More
Are you rushing through life? Here's why slowing down can help you experience more.
Why Do I Seek Wholistic Wellbeing?
I've embraced Wholistic Wellbeing to live a full life.
Find the Gifts in Failure
Learn how not getting what you want — even after a 15-year quest — can be a gift.
Wholistic Wellbeing: The Silver Bullet for All Problems
Don't let distractions stop you from be fully present in the moment.
Try This To Feel Happier Instantly
Here's how you can boost your mood in under a minute.
My Happiest Memory
It’s often the little moments in our daily life that bring us the most joy and solace.
Are You Living or Just Surviving?
Promise to be kinder to yourself, acknowledge your big and small wins, and live in the moment.
To Live With Compassion Is To Live Well: Joe Loizzo
Ever thought about why we’re so hard on ourselves?
It’s likely because we’re low on compassion — the ‘clean energy of living’.
Get Your Wellbeing Ticket
Travel can help you nourish your soul.
What Makes You Happy?
Being happy is easier than you think.
Find Your Happy Place
What is your happiest memory?
Trip to the Maldives
Be The Hope People Need
As the world sees suffering, let's come together to show our love and strength to those in need.
Who is Sunny?
In his quest to truly help people, Sunny Gurpreet Singh found Wholistic Wellbeing and started his own journey as a seeker of wellbeing.
Let’s Talk About Mindfulness with Dr. Ellen Langer
“It’s not that mindfulness adds more years to your life. It’s adding more life to your years.”
Finding Happiness with Rob Mack
“Happiness isn’t what you seek, achieve, accomplish or acquire. It’s what you essentially are.”
Build a Narrative of Positivity With LaMondre Pough
Did you know you can enhance your happiness by building a narrative of positivity? La Mondre Pough tells us how.
Why We Spell Wholistic Wellbeing With a ‘W’
Why do you write Wholistic Wellbeing with a ‘W’ and not an ‘H’? Thomas Power gets me to answer this most asked question.
Change Your Lifestyle With Jim Conley’s Wellbeing Principle.
Is your lifestyle hurting you? Let mindfulness help you change your routine and shape your wellbeing goals.