Pablo Arellano
Music Composer
Music composer Pablo Arellano is passionate about bringing love and peace to hearts and minds through the music he creates to share with people from all corners of the world. He plays the piano and studied music and composition at the New England Conservatory of Music.
- Healing music
- Mindfulness music
- Meditation music

Pablo found the essence of my message and he created a beautiful DVD, “Francesco Heaven.” He is sensitive and talented; I recommend his work and friendship.

Writer and Therapist
Pablo is very prepared to take on any project involving the expansion of consciousness. In my DVD, “Prophecies From the Heart,” he grasped the idea and did the job with great passion. Also, he composed beautiful music for this DVD.

New England Conservatory of Music
Bachelor of Science in Music Theory and Composition 2000 - 2001
Composer and Producer
Self-Employed Oct 2000 - Present (24 years) -
Audio Producer, Sound Engineer & Composer
Grupo Arellano Oct 1990 - Oct 2000 (10 years)