Greta Hill
Meditation Teacher
Greta Hill draws from over 10,000 hours of yoga and meditation teacher training to help students reclaim their joy, awaken deep purpose, and cultivate vibrant health through yoga, meditation, and Ayurvedic lifestyle.
United States
- Ayurveda
- Yoga
- Moon Circles

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Full Moon Meditation
Meditate on the reflective power of the full moon — a time to celebrate wholeness and all that is complete. This meditation features resonance breathing and a guided body scan to help you feel calm and clear like moonlight.

Keep Your Heart Open Amid Conflict
When you’re caught in a conflict, shutting down or closing off only deepens the divide. Through loving-kindness, you’ll learn how staying open can help defuse a disagreement.

Soothe an Anxious Mind
Find relief when your mind is spinning. In this guided meditation, you’ll learn a calming breathing technique to soothe anxiety and overthinking.

Embrace Your Emotions
Whether we see them as good or bad—all emotions are energy. Allow whatever arises to flow through you without clinging to your feelings or pushing them away.

Moon Meditation for Intuition (Replay)
Become quiet, still, and clear — like a moonlit night. In this meditation on the lunar cycle, you'll ride the wave of your breathing and connect with your inner wisdom.

Moon Meditation: Say Yes to Life
What are you ready to welcome into your life? In this meditation on the moon cycle, we'll practice deep breathing and then chant the mantra OM — the sound of nature saying, "yes!"

Moon Meditation for Creative Power
Are you full of ideas and dreams that you keep putting off for another day? Learn how to harness the power of the moon and set your creativity in motion.

Moon Meditation to Receive Wisdom
Use this potent phase of the lunar cycle to tap into your inner wisdom. In this moon meditation, you will focus on receiving answers from your highest self.

Spring Equinox Meditation
The spring equinox is a time of awakening and renewal. Seize the opportunity to harness the powerful energy of growth in this equinox meditation.

Moon Meditation for Radiance
Let tonight's moon shed light on your unique gifts. This meditation on the lunar cycle will help amplify your magnetism and inner light.

Moon Meditation for Self-Care
Nurture your inner connection beneath the waxing crescent moon. In this meditation on the lunar cycle, you will be guided through an experience of radical self-care.

Moon Meditation to Let Go
Soften and release any threads of mental and physical tension. Try this meditation to practice letting go in the darkest time of the moon cycle.

Moon Meditation for Inner Guidance
As the moon wanes in the night sky, see how to embrace quietude and let mystery be your teacher in this lunar meditation.

Moon Meditation for an Open Heart
Remember that you are the source of the love you seek. In this full moon meditation you'll learn how to dissolve any blocks to love and live with an open heart.

Moon Meditation: Honor Your Rhythm
Like the moon, we follow our own natural rhythms and cycles. Try this meditation to better understand, and be accepting, of the ebbs and flows of our bodies and minds.

Moon Meditation for Deep Release
A dark moon occurs just before the new moon, when the lunar cycle resets. Be a part of honoring this time of deep release, and surrender what’s no longer serving you.

Moon Meditation for Intuition
The moon governs the subconscious realm, helping us quiet our minds and listen within. In this practice, you will ride the wave of your breath as you connect to your intuition.

Full Moon Self-Love Meditation
Come back to wholeness in the light of the full moon. Join Greta Hill for a meditation honoring the current lunar phase to awaken self-love and remember that you are a blessing.

Moon Meditation for Inner Harmony
Explore the magic and mystery of living in sync with the moon cycles in this moon meditation. Allow your deep intuition to lead the way as you learn to balance effort with ease.

New Moon, New Beginning
Harness the magic of the first new moon of the year. In this visualization meditation you'll learn to embrace stillness and set a meaningful intention for auspicious beginnings.

Winter Solstice: The Darkest Night
Join Greta Hill for a meditation on this sacred night of winter solstice — a time of both release and rebirth, an opportunity to cultivate stillness and awaken the light within.

Last-Quarter Moon: Deepen Intuition
The last-quarter moon is a transitional time to reflect and release what no longer serves us. Join this chakra balancing practice to access intuition and align with your truth.

Winter Solstice Wellbeing Rituals
Winter solstice reminds us to honor taking time to slow down, and release what is no longer serving us.

Disseminating Moon: Journey Inward
The disseminating moon marks the start of the moon’s waning period—a time to rest and reflect. Access inner wisdom with the introspective nature of this lunar phase.

Full Moon: Amplify Your Energy
The full moon is a time of heightened energy and potential. Join Greta Hill for a full moon meditation to strengthen yourself as a vessel of love and emerge feeling inspired and recharged.

Gibbous Moon: Call in Abundance
The waxing gibbous moon brings the energies of growth and expansion. In this visualization class, you’ll embody the qualities of this lunar phase to draw abundance into your life.

First Quarter Moon: Find Balance
Each moon phase invites us to cultivate different energies within ourselves. Join Greta Hill for a meditation on the third phase of the lunar cycle to create balance and harmonize the whole of your being.

Crescent Moon: Awaken Creativity
The waxing crescent moon is a time to grow your dreams and awaken creativity. Use this meditation to cultivate your seeds of intention and bring them to fruition.

New Moon: Set Your Intention
The new moon is a potent time for new beginnings. Learn about the first phase of the lunar cycle in this illuminating meditation, and set meaningful intentions for the weeks ahead.
Rasa Yoga School Oct 2016 - Present (8 years) -
E-RYT 500
Yoga Alliance Jan 2004 - Present (21 years)