Cara's Story

Cara Bradley was a collegiate track athlete in the last meet of her career. She was an average runner, but during that final race, something interesting happened — she got fast. She felt a shift during her warmup run and was able to shave six seconds off her 800-meter time, a significant amount. “That was really the turning point for me because I had tapped into strength I never realized I had,” she says. “I had experienced this very calm, alert state that felt really ordinary — I felt more like myself than I ever had before.”

What she later discovered is that she’d settled her mind and nervous system, and let go of all the baggage she usually carried around, the anxiety, nerves, fear, and doubt. Today, Bradley is committed to helping people shift from feeling overwhelmed to consistently living in optimal states of flow, clarity, and calm. As a mental performance coach, she trains leaders, athletes, and educators how to feel and perform their best. As an entrepreneur, she helps other gritty go-getters experience the joy, creativity, and high of building a wellness business.