Rekindle Your Childlike Wonder
In this course, you'll learn:
- Breathwork and visualizations to tap into dormant parts of yourself.
- How to let go of patterns that are holding you back.
About this Course
Awaken the awe and curiosity from a time when anything was possible. Reconnect with your youthful intuition through these energizing practices.
About the Teacher
5 Sessions
1. Remembering the EarthFeel grounded and strong by remembering your connection to this planet.9 mins
2. We Are BodiesIf you are aware of the sensations in your body, you can tune into your intuition with a little more ease.12 mins
3. We Are EnergyConnect with the vibrant energy of your nonphysical self to find the little golden Buddha in your own heart.11 mins
4. Remembering Our AncestorsOur ancestors can provide context for our own identities so that we can see who we are on our own and as a part of the whole.13 mins
5. Remembering Our WholenessWe are both tiny earth creatures made of matter and energetic beings with connections to dimensions unseen.14 mins