4-Week Mindfulness Journey

28 Sessions Course Meditation
4-Week Mindfulness Journey

In this course, you'll learn to:

  • Use your five senses to cultivate a deeper awareness of the present.
  • Build a transformative mindfulness practice you'll return to every single day.

About this Course

It's hard to see the beauty around us when we're stuck in the past or future. Discover how mindfulness can help you appreciate each moment.

About the Teacher

Jyothi Shyamsunder

Jyothi Shyamsunder

Jyothi Shyamsunder is a mindfulness, compassion and consciousness practitioner with certifications in presence-oriented psychotherapy and Vipassana meditation.
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28 Sessions

  1. Setting an Intention
    1. Setting an Intention
    Start by taking a few moments to reflect on why you're taking this course, and let the answers emerge for themselves.
    6 mins
  2. Awareness of Sounds
    2. Awareness of Sounds
    The easiest place to start is by paying attention to things outside ourselves, so today we will focus on sounds.
    8 mins
  3. Awareness of Breath
    3. Awareness of Breath
    Observing your breath without trying to change it will nurture the most important attitude in mindfulness: equanimity.
    8 mins
  4. Feeling the Breath at the Nostrils
    4. Feeling the Breath at the Nostrils
    Feeling the breath at the nostrils is a very important practice because it will help you stabilize your attention even further.
    9 mins
  5. Narrowing Your Attention
    5. Narrowing Your Attention
    Spend a little more time feeling the breath in the nostrils, narrowing the area of attention and sharpening it further.
    10 mins
  6. Observing Thoughts Without Judgment
    6. Observing Thoughts Without Judgment
    How many thoughts do you have in a day, and how do you react to them? Learn to simply observe them without judgment.
    10 mins
  7. The Nature of Thoughts Is to Come and Go
    7. The Nature of Thoughts Is to Come and Go
    Continue observing your thoughts in a neutral way so you can gradually change your relationship to them and stop behaving reactively.
    10 mins
  8. Understanding Your Body Sensations
    8. Understanding Your Body Sensations
    Take a close look at your body sensations, your reactions toward them, and how you can calmly observe them.
    10 mins
  9. Zoom into Your Body
    9. Zoom into Your Body
    Spend more time observing your body sensations with a calm attitude, noticing how emotions feel in your body.
    12 mins
  10. Body Scan Meditation
    10. Body Scan Meditation
    Learn the body scan meditation by focusing on different parts of the body, noticing sensations, and trying to stay calm with them.
    12 mins
  11. Working with the Deepest Part of Your Mind
    11. Working with the Deepest Part of Your Mind
    Anything you feel, think, or do has a body sensation associated with it. Noticing them will take you deep into your mind.
    12 mins
  12. The Wisdom of Impermanence
    12. The Wisdom of Impermanence
    Continue scanning your body, noticing that whatever arises—thoughts, feelings, or sensations—will soon change or pass.
    12 mins
  13. Deepening Your Practice
    13. Deepening Your Practice
    Keep going. Your understanding of impermanence will deepen as you continue with your body scan practice.
    13 mins
  14. The Most Important Practice in Mindfulness
    14. The Most Important Practice in Mindfulness
    Today you will complete the body scan, which from now on will remain the most important part of your daily practice.
    15 mins
  15. Listen Less and Practice More
    15. Listen Less and Practice More
    Today's instructions will be short so you can spend less time listening to the instructions and more time in the practice.
    14 mins
  16. Incorporate Loving Kindness
    16. Incorporate Loving Kindness
    Start incorporating a loving kindness meditation to send healing to whatever challenge may come up during your practice.
    15 mins
  17. Expanding the Scope of Your Kindness
    17. Expanding the Scope of Your Kindness
    Expand your capacity for kindness by sending good wishes to someone you feel neutral about, as well as to the people you love.
    15 mins
  18. Opening Your Heart Further
    18. Opening Your Heart Further
    Send love to someone with whom you have a difficult relationship—because just like you, everyone wants to feel happy and peaceful.
    16 mins
  19. May All Beings Be Happy
    19. May All Beings Be Happy
    The last part of the loving kindness practice involves sending love to all beings everywhere in the universe.
    19 mins
  20. Seating Practice
    20. Seating Practice
    Incorporate an equally helpful but shorter version of loving kindness at the end of your body scan practice.
    13 mins
  21. Keep Up Your Practice
    21. Keep Up Your Practice
    Learn what it takes to keep a consistent practice every day, whether you have a lot of time to meditate or not.
    18 mins
  22. Explore Gratitude
    22. Explore Gratitude
    Today's meditation will help you understand what gratitude really is and how it feels to be truly grateful.
    15 mins
  23. Allow Help to Come In
    23. Allow Help to Come In
    Explore how receiving help from a stranger would feel and how you can reciprocate with feelings of gratitude.
    18 mins
  24. Find the Lesson in Every Situation
    24. Find the Lesson in Every Situation
    It's hard to feel grateful for people or situations you don't like, but if you see the lesson in them, your perspective will change.
    18 mins
  25. Soak In Positive Emotions
    25. Soak In Positive Emotions
    Keep progressing in your practice by nurturing all the positive emotions that gratitude brings us on a daily basis.
    19 mins
  26. The Attitude of Generosity
    26. The Attitude of Generosity
    Cultivate an attitude of generosity in your practice and experience how good it feels throughout your body.
    18 mins
  27. Learn to Give and Receive
    27. Learn to Give and Receive
    Being generous with someone you like is easy, but what happens when you're asked to be generous toward a stranger?
    18 mins
  28. The Last Step
    28. The Last Step
    Complete your journey by sharing your generosity with everyone.
    18 mins