Eating With Awareness

10-mins Class Meditation & Mindfulness
Eating With Awareness

About this Class

Practice this mindful eating exercise with a small portion of food ready, learning to savor every bite you take.

Connect with your curiosity and discover new textures, shapes, colors, aromas, and tastes in a food you’ve probably eaten hundreds of times before. When we’re not mindful, we often make mindless food choices, such as eating when we’re not hungry or choosing foods that aren’t nourishing for our bodies. By practicing this meditation during a meal or a snack, you’ll connect on a whole new level with how you attend to and focus on eating.

About the Teacher

Vishvapani Blomfield

Vishvapani Blomfield

Vishvapani Blomfield believes that mindfulness isn’t just about sitting still and practicing meditation — it’s about bringing a deeper awareness into your whole life. As the director of Mindfulness in Action, Blomfield works towards enlightening individuals on the transformative power of practicing mindfulness in daily life.
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