Kids Classes
Practice at your own pace in your own space with a variety of on-demand, expert-led kids classes for all levels of experience.
Kids Classes

Pizza Meditation
Tame challenging thoughts with a familiar visual.

Lie Down, Let Go
Learn how to free your body of tension by "letting go."

Caring Hands
Show kids that the power of touch is a great way to self-soothe.

Nurture Love and Kindness
Imagine sharing kindness and love straight from the heart.

Send Hearts and Happy Thoughts
Help kids send kind wishes to themselves and others.

Magic Eyes
Teach kids about compassion through seeing how we’re all connected.

The Butterfly’s Wing
Being kind to others makes us feel good inside.

Rainbow Feelings
Learn about emotions through a colorful visualization.

One Earth
Imagine feeling the awe of an astronaut looking down on Earth.

The Flashlight
Learn to direct your focus like a beam of light.

Tasty Thoughts
Learn what it means to savor a happy moment.

The Mindful Sound Detective
Search for clues in the sounds within and around you.

Train Your Super Senses
Activate the power to sense trouble like a superhero would.

My Body Scanner
Find calm by scanning your body with an imaginary spotlight.

Relax Your Neck
Relax your hardworking neck with gentle stretches.

Strong like a Tree
Help kids find strength during tough moments.

Good Night, Nose
Settle down for sleep by showing gratitude toward the hard-working parts of the body.

Relax at the Beach
Take a trip to the beach and let the waves wash away stress.

The Boy and His Dog
Help kids feel cozy and relaxed at bedtime.

Buzzing Bee Breath
Buzz like a bee to feel more peaceful and relaxed.

Clench and Release
Imagine scrunching up worries and releasing them with a big sigh of relief.

The Magic Meadow
Soak in the peaceful sights and sounds of nature at bedtime.

Wiggle Worm Meditation
Help fidgety kids shake out the urge to move.

Dream for Peace
Use your imagination to visualize a peaceful, loving world.

Future Me: Time Machine Meditation
Take kids on a journey to their future selves.

Breathe like a Lion
Roar like a lion to feel strong, powerful, and courageous.

My Dragon Wings
Help kids feel strong by harnessing the power of a dragon.

Animal Power
Imagine being your favorite animal to feel happy, relaxed, and powerful.

Calm the Monkey in the Mind
Try this fun visualization to quiet busy, noisy minds.