In Bibi's Kitchen

Ten Speed Press (2020)
In Bibi's Kitchen

The cooking of grandmothers is a powerful tool for connecting cultures and upholding tradition. "In Bibi’s Kitchen" shares a genuine, intimate view of the cuisines of Eritrea, Mozambique, South Africa, Madagascar, Comoros, Tanzania, Kenya, and author Hawa Hassan’s native Somalia — through the lens of bibis, or grandmothers. The values of women who serve nourishing, sustaining food with love and strength come across in each chapter, organized by country. Ma Wambui from Nairobi, Kenya, is asked, “What does passing on food traditions mean to you?” Her answer: “We believe our food is good and it must continue because it’s wholesome and healthy. It’s important to me that our children eat our traditional food.” Her mukimo, a dish of mashed potatoes and corn, also includes a vibrant puree of leafy greens. Hassan and her co-author Julia Turshen champion the flavors of the eastern coast of Africa and women who sometimes have lived through migration and war, to provide comfort and sanctuary at the dining table.

DIALOGUE | Q&A with Hawa Hassan

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