Honoring International Human Solidarity Day

3 mins Article Learning & Wisdom
Honoring International Human Solidarity Day
When there is teamwork and collaboration, wonderful things can be achieved.

- Mattie J. T. Stepanek

My lifelong passion for soccer germinated in high school in Delhi, where I learned the power of team spirit: that unifying force between classmates which I would later re-encounter with colleagues in the workplace.

Indeed, these unifying principles, which invoke Social and Community Wellbeing but also the Physical, the Emotional and the Spiritual – particularly when winning is at stake – also apply to the wider realm of a globalized world which we seek to improve through collaboration. That is, we work together to create a world where we respect one another as well as other forms of life; where we fight against injustice and climate catastrophe; where we seek to eradicate prejudice and inequalities for the greater good of everyone; in summary, where Wholistic Wellbeing is a birthright rather than a privilege.

On International Human Solidarity Day, December 20, we celebrate this spirit of collaboration and compassion. As envisioned by the United Nations, International Human Solidarity Day is:

• a day to celebrate our unity in diversity;

• a day to remind governments to respect their commitments to international agreements;

• a day to raise public awareness of the importance of solidarity;

• a day to encourage debate on the ways to promote solidarity for the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals including poverty eradication;

• a day of action to encourage new initiatives for poverty eradication.

The peoples and nations of the world came together to promote peace, human rights, and social and economic development as founding principles that lay the groundwork for the establishment of the United Nations itself. Indeed,

The Organization was founded on the basic premise of unity and harmony among its members, expressed in the concept of collective security that relies on the solidarity of its members to unite ‘to maintain international peace and security.’

To be sure, this international work has been (and continues to be) challenging, even more so since the rise of COVID-19 and its disrupting effects on society. It requires, at the very least, consistency and dedication in a world often fractured by disagreement, opportunism, greed, and war.

Through Roundglass, I am proud to support inspiring teams of people who are leading ground-breaking projects to help disenfranchised communities in Punjab and empower their pursuit of a more sustainable lifestyle inclined towards Wholistic Wellbeing. Roundglass Foundation tells a story of solidarity with Wholistic Wellbeing at its heart.

Certainly, we are stronger when we stand together. We also know that strength triumphs in unity. Yet it lies in differences, too, rather than similarities. These are not mere platitudes, but well-known and valuable principles, and I hope we take them seriously as we forge our unique Wholistic Wellbeing paths. 

About the Teacher

Sunny Gurpreet Singh

Sunny Gurpreet Singh

Entrepreneur and philanthropist bringing wellbeing to the world.
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