Rekhi's Story

Sunaina Rekhi is a yoga teacher, mother, and entrepreneur who is passionate about helping others realize the benefits of yoga off the mat, “[…] taking the skills, challenges, successes, and experiences we have on our mats, and applying them to our everyday lives,” she says. Rekhi also helps people learn how to shift their mindset by releasing attachment to negative thinking patterns that can cause feelings of regret or scarcity.

Rekhi loves to travel, and hosts workshops and wellness retreats in different parts of the world where she shares what she’s learned about yogic living. In 2018, Rekhi was the first Indian woman to represent India at the United Nation’s annual International Day of Yoga. She led the celebrations with the vice president of India, M. Venkaiah Naidu. 

Rekhi is the also the founder of @Sunainastays, a luxe wellness staycation in Mumbai, and Fit@40, a lifestyle blog that helps people release any expectations or stereotypes of living at 40 and beyond. “I’m proposing we get rid of the could haves, might haves, and should haves, and start living a life that won’t make us feel regretful. Not even at an older, wiser age,” she says.

Rekhi understands her purpose is to help people lead a life where they feel their mind, body, and soul are in harmony. "This foundation of consciousness, combined with a healthy lifestyle, is the recipe for self-love and acceptance, which leads to abundance and feeling good,” she says.