Kate's Story

Kate Savage has always been insatiably curious about the big questions of life, death, and purpose. She enjoyed her philosophy courses in college and was interested in Asian wisdom. In her 20s, she spent time in India to learn more about Hinduism, and even though she wasn’t looking for it, she stumbled upon Buddhism and felt a particular attraction to these teachings.

Her meditation practice started then, but there were many gaps throughout the years, until 1993, when she met the teacher who would inspire her to take this path seriously. She wasn’t going through a major crisis or trying to change her life. She was just impressed by this person, his journey, and his whole presence, and this spiked her curiosity again.

As an accomplished artist and high school art teacher, Savage realized the Buddhist teachings resonated because they were logical and comprehensive. It quickly became a passion of hers to translate the Buddha’s teachings for a secular audience, making this timeless knowledge accessible to everyone, no matter their background or age. 

Today, Savage teaches adults and teenagers (on occasion) how to use mindfulness to better relax and tap into their inner source of creativity.