Vishvapani's Story

Vishvapani Blomfield hasn't just personally practiced mindfulness and meditation for more than 40 years — he's been a key voice for the mindfulness movement in the U.K. and a strong supporter of the power of mindfulness to change society. 

After discovering Buddhism when he was 14, he became a member of the Triratna Buddhist Order. Since 2007, he has taught 150 mindfulness courses, as well as workshops, retreats, and other sessions with clients ranging from prisoners to government officials. With a passion for making mindfulness more accessible to all, he has extensive experience in prison and probation settings, government organizations, schools, workplaces, and health care settings.

An author of three books, Blomfield’s biography of Gautama Buddha was published in 2011. In addition to his blog at, he's written for publications such as The Guardian and Tricycle: The Buddhist Review, and broadcasts regularly on the BBC’s “Thought for the Day,” commenting on current issues from a Buddhist perspective. 

His unique offerings include The Mindfulness Champions Programme — a basic training in sharing mindfulness and meditation with others — and the Mindfulness for Education Leaders program in conjunction with the Wales National Academy of Education Leadership.