Jamyang's Story

Venerable Lhundup Jamyang is a Buddhist nun with 25 years of practice and experience in the Gelug lineage of the Tibetan tradition of Lama Thubten Yeshe and Lama Zopa Rinpoche.

Jamyang’s spiritual journey began when she was 28; she joined a course in energy work and began to experience how her deep-seated beliefs and way of thinking had an impact on her perception of reality. This realization had a profound impact on her life, and she began to draw insights from her learnings as an energy healer into her job working as a physical therapist with children.

Jamyang was first introduced to Buddhism during a trip to Nepal and Tibet. After returning to Southeast Asia the following year, she decided to permanently leave the Netherlands and study there. “Over a period of three years I went several times to Nepal and India to study with Tibetan teachers and do retreats. I also started Thangka painting, which was an excellent way to channel my creative energy,” she says.

This experience influenced her decision to become a nun, and she spent the next 22 years centering her life on the study of Buddhist philosophy and implementation of its practices rooted in meditation, wisdom, and compassion under several teachers in retreat and study centers around the world.

Today, she uses this knowledge and experience to benefit others. “Buddhist philosophy has something unique to offer. It shows the path to finding our authentic self. When we connect with that, we have an opportunity to live to the fullest and become the best version of ourselves,” she says.