Mastering Forgiveness

10-mins Class Meditation & Mindfulness
Mastering Forgiveness

About this Class

Forgiving others starts with forgiving ourselves — looking with compassion at our choices and validating the pain we feel.

This meditation is a forgiveness practice focused on validating your pain so that you don’t have to carry around the weight of anger and blame anymore. Forgiveness is not for the other person — it's in service of your own freedom, accepting that you did the best you could, no matter what happened and how it made you feel.

About the Teacher

Yael Shy

Yael Shy

Yael Shy offers over 10 years of experience as a meditation teacher in addition to 20 years of experience as practitioner in a variety of traditions. She primarily works with parents, in addition to young adults to help navigate their twenties, or better cope with change.
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