Lion’s Breath

5 mins Activity Meditation
Roar like a lion to release pent-up tension and stress.
Lion’s Breath

This fun and playful yoga breathing exercise can help kids shift into a positive and empowered mindset. To make a mighty roar, they’ll need to focus on their breathing, improving their ability to concentrate and stay present. This practice also encourages kids to express and release their emotions in a healthy way.

Step 1: Prepare to roar.

Encourage children to sit tall with their feet flat on the ground (if they are in chairs) or legs crossed (if they are sitting on the ground). They can rest their hands on their knees with their eyes closed or gently focused.

Step 2: Become aware of the breath.

Invite them to take a few deep breaths in and out through their noses, feeling the rise and fall of their bellies with each breath.

Step 3: Set an intention.

Explain that they will be doing Lion’s Breath and roaring like a lion.

Say, “When you do this, imagine you’re breathing in powerful energy, like a lion. And when you roar, imagine getting out all your anger, stress, and frustration.”

Step 4: Start Lion’s Breath.

Instruct them to take a deep breath through their noses, filling their lungs with powerful energy.

On the exhale, ask them to open their mouths wide, stick out their tongues as far as possible, and let out a loud ahhh sound, like a roaring lion.

Step 5: Repeat and add playful variations.

Encourage kids to repeat Lion’s Breath several times, making it as big and loud as they wish.

Make funny faces. They can try looking up at their foreheads as they roar. Try making it quiet, like a whisper. Feel the hot air coming out. Remind them to focus on the sensation of the breath and the empowering feeling of releasing stress with a lion’s roar.

Step 6: Cool down.

After several rounds of Lion’s Breath, invite the group to sit quietly and take a few closing deep breaths, bringing their awareness back to a calmer state. Ask them to notice how they are feeling.  

  • This breathing exercise can help kids shift into a positive and empowered mindset while learning concentration and present-moment awareness.
  • Lion's Breath encourages kids to express and release their emotions in a healthy way.